Youre Next 2011 Bluray. Ver pelcula T Eres el Siguiente (Youre Next) (2013) en idioma Latino, Espaol HD. Pelcula completa online gratis. With Matthew Davis, Jessica Lucas, Alona Tal, Robert Knepper. When investigative reporter Jeff Sefton's (MATT DAVIS) brother disappears, Jeff uncover the dark underworld of the TV show Cult and its rabid fans in the series premiere. A family anniversary getaway turns bloody when a group of masked intruders attack, but one victim refuses to go down without a fight. You're Next 2013 You're Next 2013 You're Next 2013 Youre Next isnt a revolutionary slasher film. That it works so well is a bit of a surprise, considering the staleness of the genre and how familiar the working parts of the picture are. Watch videoYou're Next is a brutal and gore slasher with good story and twists. The plot points are not so obvious and Sharni Vinson is the heroin that every viewer will cheer on. She seems to be a fragile woman but her reaction recalls the lead character in The Descent. HORROR DURATA 94 USA I Davison sono una famiglia ricca ma poco unita. Nel tentativo di riunire tutti parenti, Aubrey e Paul Davison decidono di festeggiare il proprio anniversario di matrimonio assieme ai quattro figli e ad altre persone care, organizzando una riunione di famiglia in una vecchia casa. You're Next was a 2011 American horrorthriller film written by Simon Barrett, directed by Adam Wingard and starring Sharni Vinson, AJ Bowen, Amy Seimetz, Barbara Crampton and Wendy Glenn. It was first released at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 10, 2011. It was later released worldwide on August 23, 2013. Description: When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon learns that one of victims harbors a secret talent for fighting back. Youre Next (2013) Full Movie Online. Watch Youre Next 2013 Full Movie Free Online Released: 28 August 2013 Genres: Comedy, Horror, Thriller Director: Adam Wingard Cast: Sharni Vinson, Joe You're Next is a home invasion slasher film from 2013. It's a bythenumbers horrorfest: masked assailants armed with tools picking off their stupid victims one by one. I was really okay with the Davisons and guests getting butchered in. Youre Next (2013) online4 subtitrat in romanaFilmul incepe cu un cuplu care fac sex. Ulterior, omul (Larry Fessenden) pleaca sa faca un dus n timp ce femeia (Kate Lyn Sheil) merge si se serveste cu o bautura. , el descopera Tu urmezi, scris cu snge pe usile glisante din sticla, in camera de zi se afla cadavrul femeii. Server 1 HORROR DURATA 94' USA I Davison sono una famiglia ricca ma poco unita. Nel tentativo di riunire tutti parenti, Aubrey e Paul Davison decidono di festeggiare La pelcula narra cmo una familia es atacada por un grupo de asesinos enmascarados durante una escapada familiar a su casa de vacaciones para celebrerar el You're Next movie reviews Metacritic score: When the Davison family comes under attack during their reunion getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon le Financial analysis of You're Next (2013) including budget, domestic and international box office gross, DVD and Bluray sales reports, total earnings and profitability. You're Next on DVD January 14, 2014 starring Sharni Vinson, Joe Swanberg, Nick Tucci, Wendy Glenn. During a family reunion getaway, the Davison family comes under a sadistic attack. When Crispian Davison (Bowen) brings his new girlfriend Happy hunting grounds Nicholas Tucci and Wendy Glenn in You're Next. You're Next is a 2013 Lionsgate movie. Parodies (Don't delete, but you can add some more) You're Next (2013)Thomas You're Next (2013)TUGS You're Next (2013)The Kidsongs Television Show You're Next (2013)Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi You're Next (2013)Phil of the Future You're Next (2013)Mario You're Watch You're Next Full Movie Putlocker, Watch You're Next Online Free 123movies, You're Next Watch Full Movie gomovies, You're Next Online Watch Movie free. Watch video20 Mar 2013 4: 18 AM PDT with Youre Next featuring several nods to the genres past, from the casting of ReAnimator heroine Barbara Crampton as the family matriarch, to the 1980sinspired. You're Next: One of the smartest and most terrifying films in years, YOU'RE NEXT reinvents the genre by putting a fresh twist on homeinvasion. You're Next (2013) Film Online Subtitrat in Romana When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of myste 13 2013 23: 59 inhaleMe. I Davison sono una famiglia ricca ma poco unita. Nel tentativo di riunire tutti parenti, Aubrey e Paul Davison decidono di festeggiare il proprio anniversario di matrimonio assieme ai quattro figli e ad altre persone care, organizzando una riunione di famiglia in una vecchia casa di villeggiatura. Next Official Trailer You're Next reinvents the genre by putting a fresh twist on homeinvasion horror. When a gang of ma When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon learns that one of the victims harbors a secret talent for fighting back. Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Up next Horror Movies That Audiences Couldn't Sit Through Duration: 4: 50. It looks like you are using an adblocker. If you do so, Movierulz will be discontinued someday in future. So, please disable your adblocker and let Movierulz free forever. You're Next (2011) 21, 2017 0 Badges of Fury (2013) 995. One of the smartest and most terrifying films in years, YOU'RE NEXT reinvents the genre by putting a fresh twist on homeinvasion horror. When a gang of masked, axwielding murderers descend upon. You're Next is a 2011 American slasher film directed by Adam Wingard, written by Simon Barrett and starring Sharni Vinson, Nicholas Tucci, 2013, and via DVD and Bluray on January 14, 2014. List of films featuring home invasions; References External links. In the opening scene, a man and woman are seek having sex. They finish, and the guy, Adam, goes to take a shower. The woman, Talia (Kate Lyn Sheil), goes downstairs and makes herself a drink, but notices that the sliding glass doors in the living room are open. She closes the doors, and puts on a CD. Adam finishes with his shower, and steps out into the bedroom, where he sees. Youre Next (2013) online4 subtitrat in romanaUnul dintre cele mai inteligente si mai terifiante filme din ultimii ani, You're Next reinventeaza genul horror, tainduti pofta de mancare. Actiunea incepe atunci cnd o band de criminali mascati, inarmati cu topoare coboare la reuniunea familiei Davison, victimele nefericite par prinse pn cnd un oaspete putin Sunday, August 25, 2013. You're Next Im not at all sure what kind of movie Youre Next is. Which is fine, it can often take a while to definitively label a film. But the problem with this new horrorcomedytorture is that Im not sure it knows what kind of movie it is either. I Davison sono una famiglia ricca ma poco unita. Nel tentativo di riunire tutti parenti, Aubrey e Paul Davison decidono di festeggiare il proprio anniversario di matrimonio assieme ai quattro figli e ad altre persone care, organizzando una riunione di famiglia in una vecchia casa di villeggiatura. You're Next Streaming: La famille Davison est runie dans sa maison de campagne pour clbrer l\'anniversaire de mariage des parents. You're Next was a pretty enjoyable flick that delivered a liberal amount of blood and gore, and one hell of a Final Girl in Sharni Vinson. Seriously, the girl was aces in this. Seriously, the girl was aces in this. O familie este atacata de o gasca de psihopati ce poarta masti de animale in timpul unei aniversari. Izolati in casa, acestia trebuie sa lupte cu tot ceea ce au la indemana pentru a face fata acestui atac si pentru a supravietui. You're Next the 2013 Movie Reviews, Trailers, Videos and more at Yidio. You're Next is a home invasion slasher film from 2013. It's a bythenumbers horrorfest: masked assailants armed with tools picking off their stupid victims one by one. I was really okay with the Davisons and guests getting butchered in. You're Next 2013 H Youre Next, , ..