Download Etta James Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday (1994). Bit Torrent Scene ( BTScene ) a public file sharing platform. Free Download Etta James Mystery Lady (Songs Of Billie Holiday) (1994) Retail CD Covers and Album Art available on AllCDCovers Listen free to Etta James Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday (Don't Explain, You've Changed and more). Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Last. Find great deals for Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday by Etta James (CD, Mar1994, Private Music). Etta James (eredeti neve Jamesetta Hawkins) (Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 1938. Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday. Etta James (born Jamesetta Hawkins; January 25, 1938 January 20, James referred to her mother as the Mystery Lady. James received her first professional vocal training at the age of five from James Earle Hines, musical director of the Echoes of Eden choir at the St. The Man I Love performed by Etta James From the album Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday Etta James's songs: Listen to songs by Etta James on Myspace, Stream Free Online Music by Etta James Features Song Lyrics for Etta James's Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday Etta James to stream in hifi, or to download in True CD Quality on Qobuz. com 12 rowsFind album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday Etta James on AllMusic 1994 The popular Etta James usually performs raunchy Le 20 janvier 2012, Etta James meurt des suites de sa leucemie, a l'ge de 73 ans, a l'hpital de Riverside, Californie, entouree de ses fils Donto et Sametto James et de son mari Artie Mills Style musical et influences Leila Pinheiro Nelson Faria Cu e Mar (2012) VA 100 Hits Driving Rock [5CD Box Set (2011) [CDRip 10cc Im Not In Love: The Essential 10cc (2016) Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday, an Album by Etta James. Released in 1994 on Private (catalog no. James ha pasado por todos los estilos, acoplndose a los gustos de la poca en todo momento, R B y doo wop a mediados de los 50, soul en los 60 y todas sus evoluciones hasta nuestros das (incluyendo el disco de 1994 Mystery Lady donde rinde tributo al jazz y a uno de sus idolos, Billie Holiday). Etta James Mystery Lady Songs of Billie Holiday (1994) [FLACLosslessSmooth Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Cool Jazz. 12 rowsMystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday is the twentieth studio album by Etta James. EAC extraction logfile from 30. September 2008, 6: 29 for CD Etta James Mystery Lady Songs of Billie Holiday Used drive: SONY DVDROM DDU1613 Adapter: 1 ID: 1 5. 0 out of 5 stars Mystery Lady etta james. 11 November 2015 Published on Amazon. This is a replacement album for me, as someone borrowed my other and never returned it. This is a good price for such a great album. I only wish Etta would have created more Standard tunes albums. She had a great voice and style. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Mystery Lady at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Etta James has one'a the mos' passionate an' wrenching voices in all blues n' soul music an' when she takes on THESE numbers, you hear that an' them some. As a big fan'a Billie Holiday not many singer. Mystery Lady, Songs Of Billie Holiday Etta James Mystery Lady, Songs Of Billie Holiday. Find a Etta James Mystery Lady: Songs Of Billie Holiday first pressing or reissue. Complete your Etta James collection. Is Mystery Lady the best album by Etta James? com brings together thousands of 'greatest ever album' charts and calculates an overall ranking. Stream Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday by Etta James and tens of millions of other songs on all your devices with Amazon Music Unlimited. Exclusive discount for Prime members. Exclusive discount for Prime members. 5, 0 von 5 Sternen Mystery Lady etta james. November 2015 Verffentlicht auf Amazon. This is a replacement album for me, as someone borrowed my other and never returned it. This is a good price for such a great album. I only wish Etta would have created more Standard tunes albums. She had a great voice and style. Stream Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday by Etta James and tens of millions of other songs on all your devices with Amazon Music Unlimited. Exclusive discount for Prime members. Exclusive discount for Prime members. Ezen az oldalon a knnyzenei vilg egy kis szeletkjt prblom sszerakni olyan formban, hogy az ide ltogat minl tbb rdekessget tallhasson a zenei let hihetetlenl nagy vilgbl. Please share and repost your favourite or latest albums from our site on your personal pages on facebook, twitter, google. Free Download Etta James Mystery Lady (Songs Of Billie Holiday) (1994) Retail CD Covers and Album Art available on AllCDCovers Etta James: Mystery Lady, disco, crnica, tracklist, mp3, textos Leo Addeo His Orchestra and Chorus The Magic of Hawaii ( ) Hi Res; Salonorchester Karl Edelmann Ballvergngen (2015) Claudine Longet Claudine ( ) Select quality passwords with a minimum length of 6 characters that are: Easy for the user to remember; Not based on anything someone else could easily guess or obtain using easily known information, e. logon ID, email address, names, telephone numbers, dates of birth, family, alma mater, etc. Album Mystery Lady Songs Of Billie Holiday Etta James Album First of all, we are grateful for visiting our website. We offer to you blues and jazz mp3 on one website and the main our feature is without other music genres and without advertisement. If you have some questions or proposals for better future and development of our site please click Contact us and leave a message. From album: Mystery Lady: Songs Of Billie Holiday 1994. Written by: Arthur Herzog Jr Billie Holiday. I do not have the rights for the music. When Etta James sings a heartwarming ballad or a sensual love song, one can confidently assume that she has lived every line of it. Etta had a stormy life full of highs and lows, but she kept getting up and singing. Born in Los Angeles on January 25, 1938, Jamesetta Hawkins was a fiveyearold girl. The Best Of Etta James 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection. Listen to Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday now. Listen to Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday in full in the Spotify app. Play on Spotify 1994 BMG Entertainment Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday is a vocal jazz music album recording by ETTA JAMES released in 1994 on CD, LPVinyl andor cassette. This page includes ETTA JAMES Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday's: cover picture, songs tracks list, membersmusicians and lineup, different releases details, buy online: ebay and amazon, ratings and detailled reviews by some experts, collaborators. Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday is the twentieth studio album by Etta James, released in 1994. The album reached a peak position of number two on Billboard's Top Jazz Albums chart. 1 Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday Etta James. Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday Tracklist More Etta James albums Let's Roll. Etta James, die an Alzheimer, Leukmie und Hepatitis C erkrankt war, hatte ihren letzten ffentlichen Auftritt im April 2009. Januar 2012 an den Folgen einer schweren Lungenentzndung [2, nur drei Tage nach dem Tod ihres Entdeckers Johnny Otis. Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday Album by Etta James. Don't Explain You've Changed The Man I Love I Don't Stand a Ghost of a Chance (with YOU) Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be) Embraceable You How Deep Is the Ocean (I'm Afraid) The Masquerade Is Over. Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday is the twentieth studio album by Etta James, released in 1994. The album reached a peak position of number two on Billboard's Top Jazz Albums chart. Etta James sadly died in January 2012 after a life bedevilled by drug addiction. She made her name as a singer in the blues and rhythmandblues traditions but the two albums assembled on this double CD come from her later years, when she sang more in a jazz style. Incidentally, my copies of the. Jamesetta Hawkins, dite Etta James (Los Angeles, 25 janvier 1938 20 janvier 2012 Riverside, Californie) est une chanteuse amricaine de jazz, soul et rhythm and blues. Sa carrire s'tend sur six dcennies. Mystery Lady: The Songs of Billie Holiday. album award information for Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday Etta James on AllMusic The Man I Love Lyrics: Someday he'll come along The man I love And he'll be big and strong The man I love And when he comes my way I'll do my best to make him stay He'll look at me and.