By Ori Lewis JERUSALEM (Reuters) Israel's new nationstate law has provoked anger among members of its most integrated minority, the Druze, prompting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to seek. Arabs who Support the State of Israel and advocate for Peace in the Middle East Arab Israelis Are Joining the IDF in Growing Numbers: Officials. Parliamentarian Yousef Jabareen believes that fellow Arabs should not serve in Israel's military. Israel's not an apartheid state, and the Arab Christians living here don't hate Jews Poll: 60 Percent of Local Arabs Proud to be Israeli Thursday, November 23, 2017 Israeli Jews believe that residents of the Palestinian Authority have not come to terms with Israels existence and would destroy the Jewish state if given the opportunity to do so yet. Foreign correspondent for the Guardian who reported from Israel, Nigeria and France, and then wrote about religion for the paper Published: 1: 03 PM Walter Schwarz obituary Critics, including the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, say the law disproportionately affects Arab citizens of Israel, since Arabs in Israel are far more likely to have spouses from the West Bank and Gaza Strip than other Israeli citizens. This struggle must be not only of Arabs but of all those who looked for the words equality and democracy in the legislation and didnt find them and want them to be in the laws of Israel. Does Israel discriminate against Arabs? Is it today's version of apartheid South Africa? Olga Meshoe, herself a South African whose family experienced aparth Roughly 21 of Israels more than eight million citizens are Arabs. The vast majority of the Israeli Arabs 81 are Muslims. Arabs in Israel have equal voting rights; in fact, it is one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote. Arabs currently hold ten seats in the Knesset. The Arab world, for many reasons, is not at all interested in giving the Palestinian Arabs a state. The Palestinian Arabs don't really want one either, because why kill the refugee goose that. The better their situation, the more the Arabs envy Israels achievements and see it as an enemy to be eradicated. A three part documentary series examines the last years of the ArabIsraeli peace process from the point of view of presidents and prime ministers, their When the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited me to visit Israel as part of a delegation of Europeanbased Arab journalists and media representatives, I accepted without hesitation. The goal of the invitation was to provide us with an opportunity to freely explore the different dimensions to. The introduction of a new Basic Law in Israel, recognizing Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, has angered some nonJewish Israelis, including some who. Arab leadership in Israel and in the countries surrounding Israel, planned a Jihad, holy war, against Israel and encouraged the Arabs to leave Israel promising their return after they purge the land of Jews. Some are now accusing her of being a spy for Israel, while others point out that western media seems more interested in her than the Arabs. After Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, the fighting intensified with other Arab forces joining the Palestinian Arabs in attacking territory in the former Palestinian mandate. On the eve of May 14, the Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelis resisted. About a fifth of Israel's population roughly 1. 45m people are of Palestinian Arab descent. During the war that surrounded the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, hundreds of thousands of Arabs were forced from or fled their homes. Despite growing conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews and despite the Department of States endorsement of a trusteeship, Truman ultimately. The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Zionist (now Israeli) Jews is a modern phenomenon, dating to the end of the nineteenth century. Although the two groups have different religions (Palestinians include Muslims, Christians and Druze), religious differences are not the cause of the strife. Fears over the high birthrate of Israeli Arabs, as well as possible alternatives to a twostate solution to the IsraeliPalestinian conflict which could challenge Israel's Jewish majority, have. At the start of the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Israel dispatched contingents to Israeli Arab enclaves for fear of unrest. But Israels Arabs did not rise up. The Druze and Arabs share a mother tongue, but differ in their attitude to Israel Integrating Arab citizens into the Israeli private sector is good for Israels Arab citizens, good for Israels economy and good for relations between Israel and its Arab neighbours. Time to get a Don't Call Us 'Israeli Arabs Palestinians in Israel Speak Out. Palestinian citizens of Israel are its Achilles heel; they refuse to become Zionists, refuse to leave Israel, and refuse to vanish into thin air. Bringing you the news from Israel and the Jewish World More Arabs than Jews inhabit Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, according to an official from Israel's militaryrun civil administration. Speaking before the Knesset's Foreign. Israels Parliament passed legislation early Thursday that declared Israel to be the national home of the Jewish people, drawing heavy opposition from those who said it also harmed the. The United States, the Soviet Union and most other states immediately recognized Israel and indicted the Arabs. While Arabs make up 21 of Israel's population, they currently make up only 3 of the workforce in the tech industry. And there is a huge wage gap between Jews and Arabs in Israel. As Israel rushed its reserves to meet the surprise SyrianEgyptian attack opening the Yom Kippur War in 1973, it simultaneously dispatched border police contingents to Arab Israeli enclaves for. Israel has passed legislation that has been welcomed by Jewish nationalists but condemned by Arab citizens. The Knesset, Israel's parliament, approved a new law that defines the country as the. how the bedouin arabs became loyal to israel Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888 1935), better known as Lawrence of Arabia, was famed for making the Bedouin into British allies during the First World War. Survey finds most of country's Arab residents say life is 'good majority of Jews and Arabs open to being friends; reports of demise of Israel's democracy 'exaggerated. Renewed talk of land swaps between Israel and a future Palestinian state has left many Israeli Arabs worried about losing their status as citizens of Israel. According to the Israeli daily Ma'ariv. The Arabs responded with a military invasion of the nascent State of Israel, and consequently no Arab State in western Palestine was ever established. Israels new nationstate law has provoked anger among members of its most integrated minority, the Druze, prompting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to seek corrective legislation. Netanyahu has defended the law, which declares that only Jews have the right of selfdetermination in the country, from fierce criticism at home and abroad. Jews and Arabs do not have equal rights in Israel. It is a state founded on Jewish racial supremacy. Weve been told over and over again by Jews in the media that race is a social construct and that the only race is the human race. The State of Israel and the Arab Countries. Area: 22, 145 km 2 (The area of the State of Israel fits 545 times into the Arab World's area, that is roughly 0. 18 of the lands) In the same way, the highest life expectancy among Arabs is found in Israel, 10. The 50 Years War Israel And The Arabs Part 1 043 The 50 Years War Israel And The Arabs Par Duration: 4: 52: 28. Aspania Kontero 11, 914 views Can Arabs, who make up onefifth of Israel's population, be loyal citizens of the Jewish state? With this question in mind, I recently visited several Arabinhabited regions of Israel (Jaffa, Baqa alGharbiya, Umm alFahm, Haifa, Acre, Nazareth, the As a result of Israel's victory in the 1948 ArabIsraeli War, any Arabs caught on the wrong side of the ceasefire line were unable to return to their homes in what became Israel. Likewise, any Jews on the West Bank or in Gaza were exiled from their property and homes to Israel. ArabIsraeli wars: ArabIsraeli wars, series of military conflicts between Israeli and various Arab forces, most notably in, 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982. The first war immediately followed Israels proclamation of statehood on May 14, 1948. The Arabs in Israel are equal citizens, and the rights they enjoy are far more than what they would enjoy in any other Middle Eastern country. Tensions Mount as Israeli Arabs Protest Police Shooting The fragile trust between Israels Arabs and the police took a heavy blow in 2000 when 13 Arab citizens were shot dead by. Israel is in the throes of political upheaval as the countrys ruling party seeks to pass legislation that could allow for Jewishonly communities, which critics have condemned as the end of a.