Vanessa Anne Hudgens (lahir di Salinas, California, Amerika Serikat, 14 Desember 1988; umur 29 tahun) adalah seorang penyanyi dan aktris Amerika Serikat. Ia sudah membintangi banyak film, di antaranya Thirteen, Thunderbirds, dan High School Musical. Vanessa with family, friends fans views Aug 30, 2018: Behind the Scenes 133 views Aug 30, 2018 Top 8 Perform Backstage 19 views Aug 30, 2018 Top 8 Perform Stills 17 views Aug 30, 2018 Top 8 Perform Backstage 33 views Aug 30, 2018 Vanessa Anne Hudgens (Salinas, 14 december 1988) is een Amerikaans actrice, zangeres en model. Ze speelde in eerste instantie voornamelijk in het theater voor ze haar filmdebuut maakte in Thirteen. Born: 14Dec1988 Birthplace: Salinas, CA. Gender: Female Race or Ethnicity: Multiracial Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Actor. 2016 cancer) Mother: Gina Guangco Sister: Stella Hudgens (b. 13Nov1995) Boyfriend: Zac Efron (actor, together ) Boyfriend: Austin Butler. Vanessa Anne Hudgens was born in Salinas, California. Her family moved to San Diego, California, while she was still a toddler. Born Vanessa Anne Hudgens on 14th December, 1988 in Salinas, California, USA, she is famous for High School Musical in a career that spans 2002present. Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Zac Efron is a 30 year old American Actor. Dezember 1988 in Salinas, Kalifornien) ist eine USamerikanische Schauspielerin, Sngerin und Model. Hudgens Karriere begann mit einem Gastauftritt in der Fernsehserie Still Standing. Ihren Durchbruch als Schauspielerin schaffte sie mit dem MusicalFernsehfilm High School Musical im Jahr 2006. Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988) is an American actress and singer. Hudgens rose to prominence playing Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical series. Hudgens has also appeared in various films and television series for the Disney Channel. She had her feature film debut in the 2003. Vanessa Hudgens says shes recovering from her scandal of late summer, when risqu private photos of her surfaced on the Internet. 7, after the nude pictures made the rounds, Hudgens. We are an entertainment media video outlet that provides celebrity red carpet footage for broadcast tv worldwide. december 1988) er en amerikansk sanger og skuespiller. kendt for sin optrden i Disneys tvfilm High School Musical og som Corrie i Zack og Cody's Sde Hotelliv. Vanessa Hudgens's profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. prosince 1988 Salinas, Kalifornie) je americk hereka a zpvaka. Jejm filmovm debutem byl film Tinctka z roku 2003 a Letka Boulivk z roku 2004. Jej nejznmj rol je ale role v srii film spolenosti Disney Muzikl ze stedn. Psniky z film se objevovaly v hudebnch ebkch po celm svt. Vanessa Anne Hudgens atau lebih dikenali sebagai Vanessa Hudgens, (lahir 14 Disember 1988) ialah seorang pelakon dan penyanyi Amerika Syarikat. Hudgens terkenal dengan watak Gabriella Montez dalam siri High School Musical. Hudgens juga telah muncul dalam pelbagai filem dan siri televisyen untuk saluran Disney. Vanessa Anne Hudgens shared Vanessa Hudgens's video. Sp S on S so S red S February 17, 2017 209, 262 Views. February 14, 2017 Happy Valentine's Day, baby bears. September, an der Amazon Prime Video Post Emmy Awards Party an der 2018 Netflix Primetime Emmys After Party teil. Sie sah wieder einmal sehr hbsch aus. Music video by Vanessa Hudgens performing Sneakernight. Music video by Vanessa Hudgens performing Sneakernight. bswiki Vanessa Hudgens; cawiki Vanessa Anne Hudgens; cebwiki Vanessa Anne Hudgens; cowiki Vanessa Hudgens; cswiki Vanessa Hudgens; cywiki Vanessa Hudgens; dawiki Vanessa Hudgens; dewiki Vanessa Hudgens; dtywiki. I should have known Back in the day everyone was obsessed with Zac Efron, but I only had eyes for Vanessa Anne Hudgens Vanessa Anne Hudgens Leaves While Hiding Her Face by Hollywood. Play next; Play now; Vanessa Hudgens Fashion At a Glance Ep. Vanessa Hudgens Bongo Jeans Photoshoot ( Behind The Scenes) by disneyana91. Play next; Play now; Vanessa Hudgens CandiesFall2011 BRoll by Sapphire Kharyzma. Vanessa Anne Hudgens (Salinas, California, Estados Unidos, 14 de diciembre de 1988) es una actriz, cantante, modelo, compositora y diseadora estadounidense. Hudgens logr mayor reconocimiento al interpretar a Gabriella Montez en High School Musical en 2006, papel que le supuso varias nominaciones a los premios Teen Choice Awards y en los Emmy. Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988) is an American actress and singer. After working in local theater plays and television commercials in her childhood, Hudgens made her screen debut in the 2003 drama film Thirteen as Noel. Find the perfect Vanessa Anne Hudgens stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Download premium images you can't get anywhere else. You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via thirdparty applications. Vanessa Anne Hudgens (ne le 14 dcembre 1988 Salinas en Californie) est une actrice, chanteuse, danseuse et mannequin amricaine. Elle est rvle, au grand public, pour avoir incarn Gabriella Montez dans la srie de films High School Musical. Vanessa Anne Hudgens and Zac Efron in 2007. 4 of 20 Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens pose at the afterparty for the premiere of New Lines Hairspray in Ackerman Hall at UCLA on July 10, 2007 in Los Angeles. Zac Efron and Vanessa Huggens arrive at the premiere of High School Musical 2 at the Downtown Disney. Vanessa Anne Hudgens (Salinas, California, Estaos Xunos, 14 d'avientu de 1988), ms conocida como Vanessa Hudgens, ye una actriz, cantante, modelu y compositora d'Estaos Xunos. El so actuacion mas conocida ye como Gabriella Montez na serie High School Musical. Tamin apaeci en delles pelcules y series de televisin pa la Canal Disney. Vanessa Hudgens Celebrity Profile Check out the latest Vanessa Hudgens photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes. 2018 Best Buddies Mother's Day Brunch Hosted by Vanessa Gina Hudgens 425 views Aug 19, 2018 The Celebrity Experience in Los Angeles Red Carpet 367 views Aug 14, 2018 The Celebrity Experience in Los Angeles Panel 173 views Aug 14, 2018 Vanessa Anne Hudgens (Salinas, 14 dicembre 1988) un'attrice, cantante e ballerina statunitense famosa per il suo ruolo di Gabriella Montez in High School Musical, un film Disney per la televisione. Vanessa inoltre apparsa in molte serie televisive tra cui Give Me Five e Still Standing. Vanessa Hudgens' nude and partiallydressed photos (scroll down) may have leaked online again. Naked pictures of a brunette who looks like the High Scho Ne en Californie, Vanessa Anne Hudgens se familiarise trs tt diffrentes activits artistiques: ses grandsparents tant musiciens, elle se passionne pour cette discipline, et prend. Vanessa Anne Hudgens (Salinas, 14 de dezembro de 1988) uma atriz, cantora, danarina e editorachefe norteamericana. Tornouse mundialmente famosa ao interpretar Gabriella Montez nos filmes da franquia High School Musical. Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988) is an American actress and singer. She is most well known for starring in High School Musical and High School Musical 2 on Disney Channel. She has won many awards and been nominated since High School Musical. The newest registered user is Jenny. In total there are 26 visitors online: 0 registered users and 26 guests. Most users ever online: 849 on at 23: 20. Registered users who have been online in the past 10 minutes. 6m Followers, 631 Following, 2, 762 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Vanessa Hudgens (@vanessahudgens) Vanessa Anne Hudgens1988 1214 155cm Vanessa Anne Hudgens (1988 ) Sister of Stella Hudgens Online shopping from a great selection at Movies TV Store. Vanessa Anne Hudgens was born in Salinas, California. Her family moved to San Diego, California, while she was still a toddler. She has a younger sister, Stella Hudgens, who is also an actress. Vanessa Hudgens Is My Goddess Mind and body owned by the most talented, beautiful and sexy Goddess Vanessa Anne Hudgens. Vanessa Anne Hudgens szlei Hudgens els gyermekeknt szletett 1988. december 14n Salinasban, Kaliforniban. Apja neve: Greg Hudgens, anyj: Gina Guanco. Ereiben filippn, knai, latin, indin amerikai s r vr is csrgedezik. The accompanying music video featured Hudgens dancing and socializing with her friends, including her sister, Stella Hudgens, and Alexa Nikolas. Her mother, Gina Hudgens loved her when Vanessa was a little girl and her father, Gregory Hudgens was a firefighter. Vanessa Anne Hudgens, amerika filmska, gledalika in televizijska igralka, pevka ter plesalka, 14. december 1988, Salinas, Kalifornija, Zdruene drave Amerike. Vanessa Hudgens je najbolj prepoznavna po vlogi lika Gabrielle Montez v seriji filmov Srednjeolski muzikal. Vanessa Anne Hudgens, fdd 14 december 1988 i Salinas, Kalifornien, r en amerikansk skdespelerska och sngerska. Hon har en syster som heter Stella (fdd 13 november 1995) som ocks r skdespelerska. Hudgens medverkar bland annat i High School Musicalfilmerna, som blev en stor succ ver hela vrlden. Nuevas Fotos de Vanessa Hudgens 2011 quien lleva bolsas de Bed Bath and Beyond luego de hacer unas compras de artculos para el hogar en Studio City, el lunes 28 de febrero por la tarde..