Watch videoThe theatrical release of XMen: Days of Future Past came in at 2 hours and 12 minutes, and packed a vast amount of excellent storytelling, character drama, and action into that running time. 2014 XMen: Days of Future Past (: ). Retrouvez tout le casting du film XMen: Days of Future Past ralis par Bryan Singer avec Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence. Synopsis XMen: Jours dun avenir pass HD XMen: Days of Future Past streaming, En 2023, les mutants, les humains susceptibles d'engendrer des XMen: Days of Future Past is a 2014 superhero film and the seventh in a series of films, after The Wolverine, based on the Marvel Comics series XMen. The film focuses on two time periods and Wolverine going to 1973 to save the future of mankind. This category is for all characters who appear in the film XMen: Days of Future Past. When XMen: Days of Future Past The Rogue Cut is released next week, it will restore the titular mutants cut scenes back into the film. As it turns out, there was a good reason Rogue had to. XMen: Days of Future Past est un film ralis par Bryan Singer avec Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy. Synopsis: Les XMen envoient Wolverine dans le. XMen: Days of Future Past X: . The ultimate XMen ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in XMEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. The beloved characters from the original XMen: Days of Future Past is the seventh installment in the XMen film series and is directed by Bryan Singer, who returned to the franchise as a director after last having helmed X2: XMen United 11 years prior. The film is a sequel to XMen: The Last Stand. For April Fool's Day, 2013, XMEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Official Trailer (2014) Promotional. I would officially like to welcome @RealHughJackman to the cast of# Xmen Days of Future Past. XMen: Days of Future Past (4, 484) movies action wolverine comic class franchise effects cast marvel mutants films xmen special jackman scenes travel mystique hugh sentinels. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. XMen: das del futuro pasado (ttulo original en ingls, XMen: Days of Future Past) es una pelcula de la saga XMen dirigida por Bryan Singer que supone ser el nexo entre las entregas originales y la pelcula XMen: primera generacin, es decir April Fools' Day, Bryan anunci que Lady Gaga interpretara a Dazzler. Regrader le film XMen: Days of Future Past en streaming HD 720p, Site de films complet en HD sans pub, le meilleur site de film streaming francophone Pour plus de dtails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution XMen: Days of Future Past, ou XMen: Jours dun avenir pass au Qubec, est un film de superhros amricain ralis par Bryan Singer, sorti en 2014. Inspir du comic du mme nom crit par Chris Claremont et John Byrne, publi par Marvel Comics en 1981 et mettant en scne les personnages crs par Stan Lee et Jack. This is a movie about going back in time to erase previous terrible movies so from a sinfinding perspective it never stood a chance. This video is for We breakdown the 'XMen: Days of Future Past' endcredits button scene and discuss its connection to 'XMen: Apocalypse. Loosely adapted from the classic Chris Claremont comic storyline of the same name, XMen: Days of Future Past sees the big screens original. XMen: Days of Future Past is the sequel to both The Wolverine and XMen: First Class and the seventh film in the XMen film franchise where the XMen send Wolverine's consciousness back in time to 1973 to prevent the assassination of Bolivar Trask. It was released worldwide on May 23rd, 2014 XMen: Days of Future Past en streaming complet Ralis par Bryan Singer Avec Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy. Synopsis: Les XMen envoient Wolverine dans le pa XMen 7 Days of Future Past Archives HD Movie2free. com XMen 7 Days of Future Past. XMEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Official Trailer: The ultimate XMen ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in XMEN: DAY The XMen send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history and prevent an event that results in doom for both humans and mutants. Days of Future Past X2 The Wolverine World War Z Armageddon XMen Day of the Soldado AntMan and the Wasp Uncle Drew To All the Boys I've Loved Before Sierra Burgess Is a Loser Mission. En XMEN: DAS DEL FUTURO PASADO, los XMen luchan por la supervivencia de la especie en una guerra que se desarrolla en pocas diferentes. Los personajes de la triloga cinematogrfica original de XMen unen sus fuerzas a las que ellos mismos posean en el pasado, cuando eran ms jvenes tal y como aparecen en XMen: Primera generacin, para cambiar un importante acontecimiento. In the XMen: Days of Future Past comic, it was Kitty Pryde who went back in time, not Wolverine. But as a nod to this, they gave her time phasing. Classic editor History Talk (0) Share [New York mutants and the humans have been gathered by an army of robots to be killed Stryker: Someone will finish what we started Wolverine, one day! [in the future the distress causes Logan to extend his claws and slashing through the air, in the process he slashes. Xem phim D nhn 6: Ngy c ca tng lai online Ph Vit, Xem phim XMen: Days of Future Past Ph Vit. Trong phn phim ny, Ngi Si (Hugh Jackman) c gi v qu kh gip gio s X (James McAvoy), Magneto (Michael Fassbender) v cc d nhn ca XMen: First Class ngn chn s tri dy ca Sent XMen: Days of Future Past (2014) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. XMen: Days of Future Past en streaming HD gratuit sans illimit, Acteur: Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbenderplus, synopsis: Les XMen. The ultimate XMen ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in XMEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. The beloved characters from the original XMen film trilogy join forces with their younger selves from XMen: First Class, in an epic battle that must change the past to save our future. D nhn 6: Ngy c ca tng lai XMen: Days of Future Past (2014) Trong phn phim ny, Ngi Si (Hugh Jackman) c gi v qu kh gip gio s X (James McAvoy), Magneto (Michael Fassbender) v cc d nhn ca XMen: First Class ngn chn s tri dy ca Sent 9. 3 XMen: Days of Future Past movie reviews Metacritic score: The ultimate XMen ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods Days of Future Past is a storyline in the Marvel Comics comic book The Uncanny XMen issues# , published in 1981. It deals with a dystopian future in which mutants are incarcerated in internment camps. An adult Kate Pryde transfers her mind into her younger self, the presentday Kitty Pryde, who brings the XMen to prevent a fatal moment in history that triggers antimutant hysteria. Watch XMen: Days of Future Past Online for Free. XMen: Days of Future Past 123Movies Stream Full Movie in HD720p. Watch XMen: Days of Future Past Online for Free. XMen: Days of Future Past 123Movies Stream Full Movie in HD720p. We Update The123Movies Every Day With Latest Movies. XMen: Days of Future Past is een Amerikaanse superheldenfilm uit 2014 in 2D en 3D, gebaseerd op de verhaallijn Days of Future Past (1981) uit de stripreeks XMen. De film werd geregisseerd door Bryan Singer, die ook onder meer de eerste twee delen van de XMenfilmserie regisseerde. Telecharger le film XMen Days of Future Past gratuitement sur notre site partir de liens actifs uptobox 1fichier uploaded turbobit facilement XMen: Days of Future Past (2014) Convinced that mutants pose a threat to humanity, Dr. Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) develops the Sentinels, enormous robotic weapons that can detect a mutant. Watch videoXMen: Days of Future Past See more Filming Locations: Montral, Qubec, Canada See more Edit Box Office How come futureday Professor X is still alive after the events in XMen: User Reviews. 21 May 2014 by nerdingsince1996 See all my reviews. XMen: Days of Future Past will please the fans and moviegoers and will inject fresh blood and joy to the franchise. This is a terrific time at the movies. Don't miss the opportunity to see it. XMen: Days of Future Past adalah film pahlawan super Amerika yang hadir pada tahun 2014, berdasarkan pada tokoh fiksi XMen terbitan Marvel Comics dan dari komik seri Uncanny XMen pada tahun 1981 pada kisah Days of Future Past oleh Chris Claremont dan John Byrne. XMen: Days of Future Past (2014) HD 1080p. Sentinels, robots that were created for the purpose of hunting down mutants were released in 1973. 50 years later the Sentinels would also hunt humans who aid mutants. Charles Xavier and his XMen try their best to deal with the Sentinels but they are able to adapt and deal. Watch XMen: Days of Future Past (2014) online for free on sockshare, Download XMen: Days of Future Past (2014) for free Sentinels, robots that were created for the purpose of hunting down mutants were released in 1973. 50 years later the Sentinels would also hunt humans who aid mutants. Rent XMen: Days of Future Past (2014) starring Hugh Jackman and James McAvoy on DVD and Bluray. Get unlimited DVD Movies TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. Les XMen envoient Wolverine dans le pass pour changer un vnement historique majeur, qui pourrait impacter mondialement humains et mutants. Les XMen envoient Wolverine dans le pass pour changer.