One of the world's largest video sites, serving the best videos, funniest movies and clips. John Carpenter has daggers for Rob Zombie. In a recently resurfaced video, the legendary horror director whos helmed films like The Fog, Christine, and Assault on Precinct 13 speaks to. The Official Website for Halloween and Michael Myers Compass International Pictures Trancas International Films Rob Zombie signe avec Halloween un bon film et surtout un bon remake que je mettrais au niveau de l'original mais du pas tout pour les mmes raisons pour moi les deux sont assez diffrents. Halloween II is a 2009 American slasher film written, directed, and produced by Rob Zombie. The film is a sequel to Zombie's 2007 remake of 1978's Halloween, and the tenth installment of the franchise. From acclaimed musician and filmmaker Rob Zombie comes an entirely new take on the highly successful and terrifying Halloween legacy, which began in 1978. While revealing a new chapter in the established Michael Myers saga, the film will surprise both classic and modern horror fans with a departure from prior films in the Halloween franchise. Halloween 2 est un film d'horreur amricain sorti en 2009, crit, ralis et produit par Rob Zombie. Il s'agit de la suite de Halloween, remake d Halloween: La Nuit des masques de John Carpenter. Halloween est un film d'horreur amricain sorti en 2007, crit, ralis et produit par Rob Zombie. C'est le remake du classique de John Carpenter, Halloween: La Nuit des masques, sorti en 1978. After being committed for 17 years, Michael Myers, now a grown man and still very dangerous, escapes from the mental institution (where he was committed as a 10 year old) and he immediately returns to Haddonfield, where he wants to find his baby sister, Laurie. Anyone who crosses his path is. Rob Zombie, allanagrafe Robert Bartleh Cummings uno dei registi pi controversi del panorama cinematografico horror contemporaneo, nonch anche il leader della band omonima Rob Zombie. Chi ha mai assistito ad un concerto del Halloween o nono filme de franquia de John Carpenter, dirigido por Rob Zombie. O filme uma refilmagem do clssico de 1978, porm, centrado nos anos que Michael Myers passa no hospital psiquitrico, mostrando todo o seu desenvolvimento para o conhecido assassino mascarado que mata sem piedade todos aqueles que entram em seu caminho. Em 2009, seria lanada uma continuao. It would appear that Rob Zombie is actually done with the Halloween franchise after his latest attempt, Halloween 2, hits theaters August 28, 2009. In the quick video interview below with MTV, Zombie was asked if he would ever consider doing Halloween 3. From acclaimed musician and filmmaker Rob Zombie comes an entirely new take on the highly successful and terrifying Halloween legacy, which began in 1978. While revealing a new chapter in the established Michael Myers saga, the film will surprise both classic and modern horror fans with a departure from prior films in the Halloween franchise. Halloween ist ein amerikanischer Horrorfilm von Regisseur Rob Zombie aus dem Jahr 2007. Der Film ist eine Neuverfilmung von John Carpenters gleichnamigem Film aus dem Jahr 1978. Alternativtitel sind Rob Zombie's Halloween oder Halloween 2007 Watch Full movie Halloween (2007) Online Free. After being committed for 17 years, Michael Myers, now a grown man and still very dangerous, escapes from the mental institution stream movies Director: Rob Zombie Writers: Rob Zombie (screenplay), John Carpenter (1978 screenplay) One of my favorite Halloween movies! Rob Zombie, Director: Halloween. Robert Bartleh Cummings, more famously known as Rob Zombie, was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts on January 12, 1965. He is the oldest son of Louise and Robert Cummings, and has a younger brother, Michael David (aka Spider One; b. 1968), who is the lead singer of Powerman 5000. Tiene una secuela, Rob Zombie's: Halloween II. La pelcula de Zombie se adentra en la mente del personaje, tratando de responder la pregunta de qu es lo que lo conlleva a matar. En la pelcula original de Carpenter, Myers no tiene una razn especfica para cometer sus crmenes. Fans of the Halloween franchise have much to look forward to this Fall, with David Gordon Greens new film arriving in theaters on October 19 and a 4K Ultra HD release of John Carpenters. This is very much a Rob Zombie movie which simply doesn't gel with the concept people hold regarding Halloween and Michael Myers. Instead of subtlety and restraint we have profanity and gore. Zombie can make that work in other movies where he's starting with a blank slate but Halloween has a totally different concept in people's minds already. Rob Zombies Halloween reimagining from 2007 is being rereleased this October 2, in a special edition Steelbook version. Q: Halloween is the most influential horror movie ever made and I for one am not happy about a remake. All of the remakes to hit theaters from Texas Chainsaw to The Omen were total crap. Why touch a classic like Halloween. He just realized that some Crazy Rich Asians didn't beat Halloween's Labor Day Box office record! 3 million for the 4 day weekend, but Mike I mean, I love Rob Zombie as a filmmaker, and he has made one of the best horror films of the last ten years, The Devil's Rejects. But with H2: Halloween II, this is one of his weaker efforts as a. The Weinstein Company put Halloween 3D into production shortly after the release of Rob Zombies Halloween II. Rob Zombie already had stated he would not return for a third film, and The Weinstein Company approached Steve Miner about directing the film in consideration of his work on the 1982 film Friday the 13th Part III, also in 3D. A clip from Rob Zombies Halloween. I like how William Forsythe acts here. Veteran horror director Carpenter has denied being very cold towards Rob Zombie over his Halloween, claiming instead that he was incredibly supportive Last year, Rob Zombie played the role of horror host for HDNet Movies twoweek holiday event Rob Zombies 13 Nights of Halloween, which ran straight through Halloween night. Halloween UNRATED (2007): After being committed for 17 years, Michael Myers, now a grown man and still very dangerous, escapes from the mental institution (where he was committed as a 10 year old) and he immediately returns to Critics Consensus: Rob Zombie doesn't bring many new ideas to the table in Halloween, making it another bloody disappointment for fans of the franchise. Following last years inaugural 13 Nights of Halloween with Rob Zombie on HDNet Movies, the horror movie event is set to return again this year, running from October 19th, to the 31st. This article is about the remake film. For other meanings, see Halloween (disambiguation). Halloween is a 2007 horror film written, directed and produced by Rob Zombie. It is a reboot of the Halloween franchise, a remake of the 1978 horror film Halloween. Lista de Peliculas Del Director: Rob Zombie Todas sus Peliculas en Audio Original con Subtitulos en Espaol y la Mejor Calidad y Sonido (HD) Watch videoDirected by Rob Zombie. With Scout TaylorCompton, Malcolm McDowell, Tyler Mane, Brad Dourif. After being committed for 17 years, Michael Myers, now a grown man and still very dangerous, escapes from the mental institution and immediately returns to Haddonfield to find his baby sister, Laurie. Listen to Halloween II Original Motion Picture Soundtrack A Rob Zombie Film now. Listen to Halloween II Original Motion Picture Soundtrack A Rob Zombie Film in full in the Spotify app Rob Zombies Halloween (2007) is a remake of the classic slasher film directed by, of course, Rob Zombie. The film follows Michael Myers as a child, showing us how he became The Shape, as well as following the story of the first film. This is a movie I want to like more than I do. El origen fue llevada al cine por el msico Rob Zombie. El Origen pelicula completa en espaol latino hd, online, 2007, Halloween. El Origen online latino, full, movie, descargar Halloween. El Origen latino mega, Halloween. El Origen pelicula completa en espaol latino youtube, Halloween. Halloween (2007) Dirigida por Rob Zombie. Halloween II (2009) Dirigida por Rob Zombie. Referencias Find great deals on eBay for halloween rob zombie dvd. Find great deals on eBay for Rob Zombie Halloween in DVDs and Movies for DVD and Bluray Disc Players. The REAL trailer for Rob Zombie's Halloween that was released today (April 6th) ON THIS DAY: September 16, 2016. Rob Zombie releases his movie '31 In part financed by crowdfunding, 31 follows the horrific story of five carnival workers who are kidnapped the night before Halloween and held hostage in a large compound. Halloween II ist ein amerikanischer Horrorfilm von Regisseur Rob Zombie aus dem Jahr 2009. Der Film knpft an Zombies Horrorfilm Halloween (2007) an und ist gleichzeitig eine Neuverfilmung des gleichnamigen Films von John Carpenter aus dem Jahr 1978, der unter dem deutschen Titel Halloween Die Nacht des Grauens erschien. Tyler Mane ist wiederum als Michael Myers zu sehen, Scout Taylor. From acclaimed musician and filmmaker Rob Zombie (The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses) comes an entirely new take on the highly successful and terrifying Halloween legacy that began in 1978. Watch Halloween Online Full Movie, halloween full hd with English subtitle. Stars: Scout Taylor Compton, Malcolm Mcdowell, Tyler Mane.