Castle Maneia: Generation 4 Season 4 Episode 3 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Original Airdate November 30, 2013 Writer(s) Josh Haber Director(s) Staffel 8 Englisch ist nun vollstndig verfgbar! Folge 24, 25 und 26 sind dabei in Schwedischer Sprache und mit Englischen Untertiteln versehen. Ben and Hollys Little Kingdom Official Channel Live Stream Ben and Hollys Little Kingdom Official Channel 1, 562 watching Live now If I had any fears for season 4 after Princess Twilight Sparkle, they vanished after I had watched Castle Maneia, one of the show's best pure comedic episodes to date. Remember when The Angry Video Game Pony reviewed Castle Maneia 2: Twilights Quest on the 8bit Ponytendo Entertainment System? This review comes from the opinions of the poster himself. This does not reflect the opinions of the rest of the Brony community. 12spooky14me Summary: The Mane 6. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (season 4) From Wikiquote. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Castle Maneia Pinkie Pie: This is the most daring dare anypony ever dared dare another pony to dare! [Rainbow Dash and Applejack are covered in bees Rainbow Dash and Applejack: Huh. v d e Friendship is Magic, part 1 Friendship is Magic, part 2 The Ticket Master Applebuck Season Griffon the Brush Off Boast Busters Dragonshy Look Before You Sleep Bridle Gossip Swarm of the Century Winter Wrap Up Call of the Cutie Fall Weather Friends Suited For Regardless of how you feel about Castle Maneia, or about review videos in general, this video by Silver Quill is massively entertaining. Listen to his magnificent, sober voice, a The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Castle Maneia (titled as CastleMania by some sources) is the third episode of the fourth season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the sixtyeighth episode overall. In this episode, a mysterious presence follows Twilight Sparkle and her friends in Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's Castle Maneia Written by Josh Haber To start with, Twilight is trying to find information about the Tree of Harmony's locked chest, but her search is unsuccessful. Pony of Shadows (voiced by Bill Newton) First mentioned in Castle Maneia as the subject of a ghost story, the Pony of Shadows first appears in Shadow Play. He is the alter ego of Stygian, a resentful unicorn who is mistaken for a traitor and shunned by his allies, the Pillars of Old Equestria, and bonded with an evil entity that takes. Meanwhile, at the castle, Twilight Sparkle enjoyed plenty of peace and quiet in her reading time with very few distractions. Well, few distractions other than Spike exterminating star spiders with his fire breath. Twilight goes to Celestia and Luna's old castle to research the chest from the Tree of Harmony, finding a diary kept by the sisters that explains the workings of the castle. Meanwhile, Applejack and Rainbow Dash challenge. My Little Pony Transformers Prime: Castle Maneia is a new movie. Summary Twilight and Optimus go to Celestia and Luna's old castle to research the chest from the Tree of Harmony, finding a diary kept by the sisters that explains the workings of the castle. Meanwhile, Applejack, Bulkhead, Arcee My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S4 Ep3 Castle Maneia watch cartoons live online. Browse all latest episodes of my little pony: friendship is magic s4 ep3 castle maneia. List of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episodes! Watch any MLP: FiM episode in HD quality, completely free! Season 1 Castle Maneia 04 Daring Don't 05 Flight to the Finish 06 Power Ponies Castle Sweet Castle 04 Bloom Gloom 05 Tanks for the Memories When you use a browser, like Chrome, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, like loading or formatting issues on sites. This episode opens up with Twilight searching through books trying to learn more about the secret chest that came from the Tree of Harmony. [ My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S04E03 Castle Maneia Twilight. Download in HD Inside the Castle of the Two Sisters (Castle Maneia) MLP: FiM [HD Until Dawn Castle Maneia FANDOM powered by Wikia Twilight goes to Celestia and Luna's old castle to research the chest from the Tree of Harmony, finding a diary kept by the sisters that explains the workings of the castle. Meanwhile, Applejack and Rainbow Dash challenge each other to stay the night in the castle, which they believe is haunted by the Pony of Shadows, while Rarity takes Fluttershy along to the castle to look for old tapestries. A page for describing Recap: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S4 E3 Castle Maneia. Twilight Sparkle has combed through every last book in Ponyville. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Episode 68 Castle Maneia. Classic editor History Comments Share. Twilight Sparkle uses a spell to freeze her 5 friends in order to stop their panicking. El Castillo Embrujado (Castle Maneia (titulado como CastleMania por algunas fuentes) en ingls) es el tercer episodio de la cuarta temporada de My Little Pony: La magia de la amistad y sexagsimo octavo en total. En este episodio, una presencia misteriosa sigue a Twilight Sparkle y sus amigos Castle Maneia4368Princess CelestiaPrincess Luna More Castle Maneia (S04E03) is the third episode of season four of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic released on Sat Nov 30, 2013. Over 132 TV Time users rated it a 010 with their favorite characters being Shannon ChanKent as Pinkie Pie (Singing Voice), Andrea Libman as FluttershyPinkie Pie and Ashleigh Ball as Applejack Rainbow Dash. Castle Maneia Jayson Thiessen (codirected by Jim Miller) Josh Haber: November 30, 2013 () 0. 46: Twilight goes to Celestia and Luna's old castle to research the chest from the Tree of Harmony, finding a diary kept by the sisters that explains the workings of the castle. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Season Four: Set details. Directed by Jayson Thiessen, Jim Miller. With Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St. When most of the Mane Six visit the abandoned Castle of the Princesses for separate reasons, they find it seemingly haunted. if My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Season 4 Episode 3 Castle Maneia is not working, please select a new video tab or reload the page. The third episode of Season 2 gave the rest of the mane cast a chance to write friendship letters of their own. Both of those episodes established story points that. Twilight Sparkle: [groan [whap Spike: What's wrong, Twilight? Twilight Sparkle: Ugh, I've gone through every book in Ponyville, Spike, and there isn't a single mention of the mysterious chest that came from the Tree of Harmony, nor anything about keys to unlock it! But something tells me that ep. 3 Castle Maneia My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: S4. A mythical entity referred to as The Pony of Shadows was mentioned in the Season 4 episode, Castle Maneia. However, this event is never mentioned in the Season 7 finale, soit is unknown of these two entities are one in the same. My Little Pony Imagine Ink Rainbow Color Pen Art Book with Surprise Pictures Cookieswirlc Video Duration: 8: 42. CookieSwirlC 11, 901, 537 views My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Season 4, Episode 3 Castle Maneia A page for describing YMMV: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S4 E3 Castle Maneia. Crosses the Line Twice: Fluttershy watching a pile of rocks get. [Volume Warning Hey again So finally i made another ytpmv And to be honest i never played nor interested in the Castlevania franchise but god damn it Streaming VOSTFRVF de My Little Pony Friendship is Magic My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Castle Maneia (TV Episode 2013) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. FollowFav CastleManeia: The Coming of Dracula. By: And so, Dracula and his Castle are brought to an unknown world filled with wonders both familiar and new. However, Dracula must now protect this new world from the forces that threaten it, led by the traitorous Galamoth. First of all, I failed to mention earlier that the opening was changed more drastically for Season 4. During Fluttershy's segment, you can see Discord in her house..