EMBED (for wordpress. org item description tags) Hold Your Colour. Hold Your Colour Songtext von Pendulum mit Lyrics, deutscher bersetzung, MusikVideos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte. com Pendulum Hold Your Color Soaking through Colours that have us up against the wall Soaking through Colours that have us up against the wall Hold your colour Hold Your Colour Pendulum, Breakbeat Kaos 2005. The Freestylers, Fats TC, Tenor Fly. General CommentI actually think it's trying to say that everyone has some core aspect that is uniquely theirs, and at the end of it all, that's what remains with you, and you need to seize it and show the world (hold your colours against the wall). Like, everyone can take everything away from you but your colours, and you should be proud of that. Know what i m Hold Your Colour ( ) 2005 Pendulum, Drum'n'Bass. Adems, un sencillo que no pertenece a algn lbum, Blood SugarAxle Grinder, lanzado el 18 de junio de 2007, sustituy ms tarde a Another Planet y Still Grey en la reedicin de Hold Your Colour debido a su popularidad. Lyrics to 'Hold Your Colour' by Pendulum. Soaking through Colours that held us up against the wall Soaking through Colours that held us up against the VA A Midsummer Partys Dream Vol 3 (30 AfroDanceHouse Hits For Your Party) VA A Midsummer Party's Dream Vol 3 (30 AfroDanceHouse Hits For Your Party) VA Waves in the Box Pendulum Hold Your Colour music CD album at CD Universe, Eagerly anticipated 2007 sophomore album from the awesome Australian Drum 'N' Bass trio, Hold Your Colour. A Pendulum zenekar 2002ben alakult kt producer, Rob Swire s Gareth McGrillen kollaborcijbl, akikhez egy DJ, Paul 'El Hornet' Harding csatlakozott. Rob Swire irnytsval k hrman alkottk meg az els Hold Your Color albumot Pendulum nven. We and our partners use cookies to deliver our services and to show you ads based on your interests. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as. Hold Your Colour is the debut fulllength album by BritishAustralian drum and bass band Pendulum. The album was mastered by Stuart Hawkes at Metropolis in London. Hold Your Colour is the debut studio album by the Australian drum and bass band Pendulum, released on 25 July 2005 and later reissued in 2007 by Breakbeat Kaos. Lyrics of HOLD YOUR COLOUR [BIPOLAR REMIX by Pendulum: Hold your colours against the wall, She looked into your eyes, And saw what laid beneath, Don't try. Hold Your Colour (Bipolar Vocal Mix) is the fifth single taken from Australian Drum Bass band Pendulum's debut album Hold Your Colour, and their eighth single overall. Lyrics to Hold Your Colour song by Pendulum: Soaking through Colours that held us up against the wall Soaking through Colours that held us up Lyrics to 'Hold Your Color' by Pendulum. Soaking through Colours that held us up against the wall Soaking through Colours that held us up against the wall Hold Your Colour. Soaking through Colours that hold us up against the wall Soaking through Colours that hold us up against the wall Hold your colours against the wall. Pendulum's Hold Your Colour album is one of those albums that, if you really like drum n bass, will be playing for your friends whenever you have one near. As a real fan of the genre, Pendulum brings something new to the table that. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Hold Your Colour [2005 Pendulum on AllMusic 2005 Your are currently in desktop mode. Switch to mobile small or mobile large mode for a better display result. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to. Released in 2005, Hold Your Colour is the debut album by Australian British drum n bass group Pendulum. What made the band stand out so much was the fact that they were in fact, an actual band. Check out Hold Your Colour by Pendulum on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Didn't know about Pendulum initially, but heard a CD my sister had been given and found out later that it was Hold Your Colour. Slow start into the album with Prelude, but soon we are presented with The Slam, full on pulsing, slamming D B at its loudest. Debut album Hold Your Colour (2005) attracted more attention thanks to the singles Tarantula and Slam, but it was their remix of The Prodigy's classic Voodoo People that became their first crossover hit. Hold Your Colour is a Studio Album by Pendulum released in 2005. Our new desktop experience was built to be your music destination. Listen to official albums more. Find a Pendulum (3) Hold Your Colour first pressing or reissue. Complete your Pendulum (3) collection. About Hold Your Colour Hold Your Colour QA. Featuring DJ Fresh (UK), Fats, Freestylers 4 more. Download Free Pendulum Hold Your Colour [Album [iTunes Plus AAC M4A [Mp3 Version from m4aLibrary. It's free and work great with iOSAndroid or MACPC. Hold Your Colour je debutov album austrlskej drum and bassovej skupiny Pendulum. jla 2005 vo Vekej Britnii a celosvetovo da 1. Takisto bola znovu vydan reedcia da 16. jla 2007 vydavatestvom Breakbeat Kaos. Obal albumu inpiroval obal singlu Witchcraft vydanho z albumu Immersion. Na tomto albume sa podieali umelci ako Fresh a TC. Hold Your Colour is the debut studio album by the Australian drum and bass band Pendulum, released on 25 July 2005 and later reissued in 2007 by Breakbeat Kaos. Pendulum Hold Your Colour Megalyrics. We and our partners use cookies to deliver our services and to show you ads based on your interests. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as. Watch the video for Hold Your Colour from Pendulum's Hold Your Colour for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Pendulum Hold Your Colour (Bass) UltimateGuitar. Com Hold Your Colour is the 2005 debut album by Pendulum. The album drew very positive critical attention in both the United Kingdom and Australia, becoming one. Lyrics to Hold Your Colour (Noisia Remix) song by Pendulum: Soaking through Colours that hold us up against the wall Soaking through Colours that hold us up aga The box set will see the first three studio albums completely remastered the first time the albums will be available in this format, as fans will remember that Hold Your Colour was originally a 6 track album of nonsingles, whilst In Silico was originally a 4 track EP, making these boxes incredibly rare. Hold Your Colour is the debut studio album by the Australian drum and bass band Pendulum, released on 25 July 2005 and later reissued in 2007 by Breakbeat Kaos. The album was mastered by Stuart Hawkes at Metropolis in London. [1 Pendulum Hold Your Colour Lyrics. Soaking through Colours that hold us up against the wall Soaking through Colours that hold us up against the wall Hold your colours against Stream pendulum hold your colour by Roshen Abrahamson from desktop or your mobile device MASSIVE# TBT rewind today. This week marks 10 years since the release of one of drum basss most influential albums this century: Pendulum Hold Your Colour. Their debut opus, Hold Yo Pendulum is an Australian drum and bass and electronic rock band founded in 2002. Pendulum originally formed in the city of Perth, Western Australia, by Rob.