Following an extensively researched biography by James Curtis in 1982, Whale's final months were the inspiration for the novel Father of Frankenstein by Christopher Bram. The basis for the film Gods and Monsters (1998), it focused on the unlikely relationship between Whale (Sir Ian McKellen) and a fictional gardener (Brendan Fraser). James Whale was a master of his craft and horror films were is main staple. He knew how to wring tension out of quiet moments and Frankenstein still stands as his crowning jewel. Never bettered and certainly never more emotive, Frankenstein is a beautifully told story. Boris Karloff dara vida al mtico monstruo de James Whale. Livraison gratuite ds 20 d'achat. Tout sur Frankenstein DVD Boris Karloff John Boles, DVD Zone 2 et toute l'actualit en Dvd et Bluray. Reseas de El doctor Frankenstein y La novia de Frankenstein, de James Whale, y El hijo de Frankenstein, de Rowland V. James Whale (Dudley, 22 luglio 1889 Hollywood, 29 maggio 1957) stato un regista britannico, trasferitosi a Hollywood agli albori del cinema sonoro. Successivamente a Frankenstein, Whale diresse The Impatient Maiden (1932), ma il film fu un insuccesso di pubblico. La primera fue La novia de Frankenstein de 1935, dirigida nuevamente por James Whale, y con la participacin de Boris Karloff y Colin Clive como el monstruo y el doctor Frankenstein, respectivamente. James Whale's Frankenstein never looked better than it does here, running circles around even the best laserdisc editions. A few scenes show more wear than one would like, but the image and the details are so sharp that it looks as though one could step inside of it. In this edition of the movie, viewers can truly appreciate the sheer eeriness. With Boris Karloff, Mae Clarke, John Boles US 1931, 35mm, bw, 71 min. El montaje de la pelcula estuvo a cargo de Clarence Kolster y bajo la direccin de James Whale. Detailed review of the film Frankenstein (1931) directed by James Whale, and starring Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles Frankenstein An obsessed scientist assembles a living being from parts of exhumed corpses. Francis Edward Faragoh, Garrett Fort, Robert Florey (uncredited), and John Russell (uncredited) (screenplay, based on a play by Peggy Webling, based, in turn, on the novel by Mary Shelley, composition by John L. Balderston), James Whale (director) Frankenstein 1931Frankenstein. Watch videoJames Whale's original FRANKENSTEIN is a short but memorable horror classic that has influenced so many other fright flicks, it should be considered the Godfather of Horror Movies. This was the first of Universal Studios' moody screen adaptations of literary Gothic horror (the other being Dracula). Director: James Whale, Escritor: Garret Ford Francis Edward Faragoh (Novela: Mary Shelley), Genero: Terror, Cienciaficcion, Monstruos, Peliculadeculto, El doctor Henry Von Frankenstein acomete un experimento tenebroso: construir, a partir de fragmentos de cadveres, un nuevo ser humano. Con la ayuda de su criado Fritz, se adentra durante. Prs de 80 ans nous sparent la sortie de Frankenstein, 80 ans pendant lesquels la crature impie et tragique faonne par le scientifique fou a profondme James Whale divent, durante e dopo la realizzazione di Frankenstein, un vero paladino di Frye. I due, dopo l'adattamento del romanzo di Shelley, girarono altri cinque film insieme, tra cui La moglie di Frankenstein [1. 1 26e Edition La Mtamorphose Frankenstein de James Whale EtatsUnis 1931 1h11 fiction noir et blanc Fiche pdagogique rdige par Anne Loiseau James Whale (22 July 1889 29 May 1957) was an English film director, theatre director and actor. He is best remembered for his work in the horror film genre, having directed such classics as Frankenstein (1931), The Old Dark House (1932), The Invisible Man (1933) and Bride of Frankenstein James Whale est donc engag par la Paramount. la suite du succs de Dracula, la Universal charge Robert Florey de tirer un scnario du roman de Mary Shelley, Frankenstein ou le Promthe moderne. Mais les squences ne plaisent pas la firme et elle dcide de changer l'quipe: ce sera James Whale pour la ralisation. James Whale poses with a model of Frankenstein's monster on the set of Bride of Frankenstein, 1935. Whale was openly gay throughout his career, something that was very unusual in the 1920s and 1930s. As knowledge of his sexual orientation has become more common, some of his films, Bride of. El doctor Frankenstein es una pelcula dirigida por James Whale con Boris Karloff, Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, . Sinopsis: El doctor Henry Von Frankenstein acomete un experimento tenebroso: construir, a partir de fragmentos de cadveres, un nuevo ser humano. Con la ayuda de su criado Fritz, se adentra durante la noche en. James Whale was a British film and stage director whose most memorable contributions to film history was the Frankenstein franchise. In 1931, James Whale brought Mary Shelley's seminal classic to the big screen in the Universal Pictures production of Frankenstein. Universal's executive producer Henry Frankenstein is a doctor who is trying to discover a way to make the dead walk. He succeeds and creates a monster that has to deal with living again. Frankenstein (1931) directed by James Whale Reviews, film cast Letterboxd Crtica y opiniones de la pelcula 'El doctor Frankenstein dirigida por James Whale, e interpretada por Colin Clive y Boris Karloff Free Essay: Opening Sequences of Frankenstein by James Whale and Kenneth Branagh Frankenstein Compare the opening sequences of Mary Shelley's Boris Karloff is the screen's most memorable creature in the story of Dr. Frankenstein, who tampers with life and death when he pieces together salvaged body parts to create a human monster. The film's greatness stems less from its script than from the stark but moody atmosphere created by director James Whale; Herman Rosse's memorable set designs, particularly the fantastic. Download Frankenstein (1931 James Whale) [BDRip720p ItaEng[A. or any other from the Video HD Movies. M oins d'un an aprs le Dracula de Tod Browning, le studio Universal sortait la grosse artillerie avec ce premier Frankenstein parlant, mis en scne par James Whale. Si le cachet thtral demeure, principalement d certains extrieurs films en studios, les intonations surjoues qui faisaient la force mais aussi la faiblesse du film de Browning, sont dlaisses au profit d'une. Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for Frankenstein (1931) James Whale on AllMovie Still regarded as the definitive film version of Dans la nuit du lundi 11 au mardi 12 avril 0h05 ARTE diffuse Frankenstein (1931) de James Whale. Avec Dracula de Tod Browning, Frankenstein est le titre inaugural dun ge dor du fantastique amricain, sous lgide du producteur Carl Laemmle Jr, fils de Carl Laemmle, fondateur de. Watch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy Frankenstein (1931) directed by James Whale for 14. Frankenstein James Whale Boris Karloff Colin Clive Elsa Lanchester Valrie Hobson Ernest Thesiger Gavin Gordon. 3 neufs ds 1971 2 occasions ds 5163 Ajouter au panier L'homme invisible Steelbook Bluray Bluray. James Whale Claude Rains Gloria Stuart. Watch videoA film directed by Mr. James Whale in 1931, starred by Mr. Boris Karloff James Whale ( 22. Juli 1889 in Dudley, Worcestershire, England; 29. Mai 1957 in Hollywood, Kalifornien) war ein britischer Regisseur. Obwohl er auch Filme fr andere Genres drehte, ist er vor allem durch seine Horrorfilme Frankenstein, Das Haus des Grauens, Der Unsichtbare und Frankensteins Braut bekannt. Er gilt als Vater des klassischen. James Whale was an English film director, theatre director and actor. He is best remembered for his four classic horror films: Frankenstein (1931), The Old Dark House (1932), The Invisible Man (1933) and Bride of Frankenstein (1935). Livraison gratuite ds 20 d'achat. Tout sur Frankenstein Boris Karloff John Boles, DVD Zone 2 et toute l'actualit en Dvd et Bluray. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Frankenstein (1931) at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. The inventive sequel Bride of Frankenstein (1935), in which Dr. Frankenstein (Clive) builds a mate (Elsa Lanchester) for his monster, is considered Whales masterpiece. A stylishly decadent effort, it demonstrated how far his artistry had progressed in just four years. The film's greatness stems less from its script than from the stark but moody atmosphere created by director James Whale; Herman Rosse's memorable set designs, particularly the fantastic. James Whale: Master of horror: Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, and Bride of Frankenstein Frankenstein (1931) was scheduled to be directed by Robert Florey, but when Bela Lugosi decided that he did not want to be typecast after starring in Tod Brownings Dracula (1931), Whale was assigned to the picture; it was he who cast littleknown. Frankenstein est un film ralis par James Whale avec Colin Clive, Mae Clarke. Synopsis: Henry Frankenstein est un jeune scientifique qui rve de crer un tre humain l'aide de ses. There were a number of sequels to Frankenstein. James Whale returned to make Bride of Frankenstein (1935), with Boris Karloff and Colin Clive repeating their roles, which many consider this to be the finest of the Universal series. A ManMade Monster in Grand Guignol Film Story Out of John L. Balderston's stage conception of the Mary Shelley classic, Frankenstein, James Whale, producer El 'Frankenstein' de James Whale y con Boris Karloff, de 1931, una de las pelculas ms representativas del momento coyuntural de una poca. Frankenstein est un film amricain ralis par James Whale, sorti en 1931. Ce film d'horreur est tir de la pice de Peggy Webling, ellemme adapte du roman Frankenstein ou le Promthe moderne de Mary Shelley. Le film fait partie de la srie des Universal Monsters et rvle l'acteur Boris Karloff, le ralisateur James Whale et le maquilleur Jack Pierce..