So now we have To Rise Again at a Decent Hour, the third novel and the first to be unfettered by excessive hype or the inevitable backlash. Joshua Ferris' novel 'To Rise Again at a Decent Hour' follows a dentist drawn in by an antagonist creating online profiles of him. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is a book about midlife crisis, the experience of religious conversion, the struggle to find meaning in everyday life, the yearning for human connection, the awful. The narrator protagonist of To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is the most distinctly drawn character in Ferris's fiction so far, even while most readers are likely at best to have an ambivalent response to him (at worst to actively dislike him). The immediacy created by his firstperson account inevitably pulls us toward greater sympathy, but the. If youre afraid of dentists or demanding fiction, back away because To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is a brilliant mess of a novel that drills at a raw nerve of existential dread. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Joshua Ferris continues to impress me with his writing, though To Rise Again at a Decent Hour would be my least favourite of his first three novels. I fell in love with Paul ORourke, the regretful, misanthropic, sardonic New York dentist, but, although very funny, the novel slides a. Joshua Ferris is the bestselling author of three novels, Then We Came to the End, The Unnamed and To Rise Again at a Decent Hour. He was a finalist for the National Book Award, winner of the Barnes and Noble Discover Award and the PENHemingway Award, and was named one of The New Yorkers 20 Under 40writers in 2010. His fiction has appeared in The New Yorker, Granta, Tin House, and. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is ostensibly about dentistry and the internet, but it is in fact about neither. This is at least in part a relief, since the bits that do consider the isolating. By Joshua Ferris Published by Viking Paul O'Rourke, 40 yearold slightly curmudgeonly dentist, runs a thriving practice in New York. Yet he is discovering he needs more in his life than a steady income and the perfect mochaccino. Buy To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour: A Novel [Joshua Ferris on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, this big, brilliant, profoundly observed novel by National Book Award Finalist Joshua Ferris explores the absurdities of modern life and one man's search for meaning. Paul O'Rourke is a man made of contradictions: he loves the world To Rise Again at A Decent Hour A Novel (Book): Ferris, Joshua: After noticing his identity has been stolen and used to create various social media accounts, a man with a troubled past, Paul O'Rourke, begins to wonder if his virtual alter ego is actually a better version of himself. To rise again at a decent hour: a novel. [Joshua Ferris After noticing his identity has been stolen and used to create various social media accounts, a man with a troubled past, Paul O'Rourke, begins to wonder if his virtual alter ego is actually a better. To rise again at a decent hour is the recollection of the past few years of a Dentist Paul ORourkes life in the Big Apple New York. Read To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris with Rakuten Kobo. Winner of the Dylan Thomas Prize 2014 and Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2014 'The Catch22 of dentistry. Book Review: 'To Rise Again At A Decent Hour, ' By Joshua Ferris Joshua Ferris' darkly comic new novel centers on a faithdoubting dentist who finds his identity's been stolen by a strange. Ultimately, To Rise Again at a Decent Hour succeeds in spite of its utter lack of formal plot structure, bolstered by the utter humanity of its narrator. Amazingly, Ferris finds a way to end his novel that doesnt feel preachy or sanctimonious, a rare feat for a work. The characters are great, they're interesting, they're funny, they will make you laugh. Trust me, at a point this ebook will hit you where you live. Paul ORourke, narrator of Joshua Ferriss new novel, To Rise Again at a Decent Hour, is a successful dentist, a failed golfer, a fractured romantic, a Red Sox fan, and a twentyfirstcentury technocratic human in despair. Everything was always something, but something and here was the rub could never be everything. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is a novel by the American writer Joshua Ferris. The novel was shortlisted for the 2014 Man Booker Prize [1 and won the 2014 Dylan Thomas Prize. [2 Booker shortlisted book To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is praised for humour and truth To Rise Again at a Decent Hour at times struggles to bear the weight of its conceit (digressions into the history of the Amalekites confound after a while), but at its best it is enormously. The Descent Series Should Rise Again Once more into the depths. Last updated by Chris Watters on May 21, 2014 at 3: 57PM Comments. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour has 13, 114 ratings and 2, 191 reviews. A big, brilliant, profoundly observed novel about the mysteries of modern life by Na To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is narrated by Paul ORourke, a successful dentist on the Upper East Side who discovers that someone is impersonating him online. And that person is writing some. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour: A Novel by National Book Award finalist Joshua Ferris follows a man named Paul who's shocked to find that his identity has been To Rise Again at A Decent Hour A Novel (Book): Ferris, Joshua: Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, this big, brilliant, profoundly observed novel by National Book Award Finalist Joshua Ferris explores the absurdities of modern life and one man's search for meaning. Paul O'Rourke is a man made of contradictions: he loves the world, but doesn't know how to live in it. As terrible as Paul can be, he is the best part of Joshua Ferris To Rise Again at a Decent Hour (Kindle here). Ferris has always excelled at creating human characters. Paul is not onenote; he is a symphony of problems, desires, callousness, desperation, love, wonder, and wanderlust. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour audiobook, by Joshua Ferris To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is a big, brilliant, profoundly observed novel about the absurdities of modern life and one mans search for meaning, by National Book Award Finalist Joshua Ferris, one of the most exciting voices of his generation. Paul ORourke is a Manhattan dentist with a thriving Joshua Ferriss To Rise Again at a Decent Hour, shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, is about an atheistic but PhiloSemitic dentist who has no luck with women. Joshua Ferris's dazzling new novel To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is about the meaning of life, the certainty of death, and the importance of good oral hygiene. There's nothing like a dental chair to remind a man that he's alone in the world. Suffice it to say that To Rise Again at a Decent Hour isn't just one of the best novels of the year, it's one of the funniest, and most unexpectedly profound, works of fiction in a very long time. Asked to create a list of brainshatteringly dull topics for fiction, you might be tempted to include the following things that appear in Joshua Ferriss To Rise Again at a Decent Hour. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris, book review: Funny yet tormented life. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour is a funny novel, by turns haha, peculiar and, like O'Rourke himself. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour: Book summary and reviews of To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris I dont like going to the dentist. I dont even like thinking about going to the dentist, but as Id committed to reading my fair share of the MAN Booker prize longlisted novels this year, I found myself about to read a novel about a dentist, one which had a giant picture of a tooth on the front (the US version of To Rise Again at a Decent Hour saves its readers that indignity). To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris in CHM, FB3, TXT download ebook. Joshua Ferris is the bestselling author of three novels, Then We Came to the End, The Unnamed and To Rise Again at a Decent Hour. He was a finalist for the National Book Award, winner of the Barnes and Noble Discover Award and the PENHemingway Award, and was named one of The New Yorkers 20 Under 40writers in 2010. His fiction has appeared in The New Yorker, Granta, Tin House, and. To Rise Again at A Decent Hour A Novel (Book): Ferris, Joshua: After noticing his identity has been stolen and used to create various social media accounts, a man with a troubled past, Paul O'Rourke, begins to wonder if his virtual alter ego is actually a better version of himself. To Rise Again at A Decent Hour A Novel (Book): Ferris, Joshua: Paul O'Rourke is a man made of contradictions: he loves the world, but doesn't know how to live in it. He's a Luddite addicted to his iPhone, a dentist with a nicotine habit, a rabid Red Sox fan devastated by their victories, and an atheist not quite willing to let go of God. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour: A Novel Kindle edition by Joshua Ferris. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading To Rise Again at a Decent Hour: A Novel. 65 quotes from To Rise Again at a Decent Hour: Of course I alienate myself from society. It's the only way I know of not being constantly reminded of al Joshua Ferris (born 1974) To Rise Again at a Decent Hour, was published in May 2014. The novel was shortlisted for the 2014 Man Booker Prize in the first year that American works of fiction were eligible, and won the 2014 Dylan Thomas Prize. NPR coverage of To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris. News, author interviews, critics' picks and more. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris Chapter 1 summary and analysis. Our Reading Guide for To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris includes Book Club Discussion Questions, Book Reviews, Plot SummarySynopsis and Author Bio. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris Chapter 2 summary and analysis..