Find great deals for Light as a Feather by Chick CoreaReturn to Forever (CD, Oct1990, Verve). The final track, Children's Song, was a springboard for several of Corea's fulllength album projects, and is heard here for the first time via a trio setting in a slow, birthlike motif. This album is Mastered for iTunes. On jazz classic Light as a Feather, Chick Corea Return to Forevers music has a light, airy sound graced by Latin and progressive leanings. (Influenced by the Mahavishnu Orchestra and other outfits, Return to Forever would later morph into a highoctane jazz. Download sheet music for Light as a Feather. Choose from Light as a Feather sheet music for such popular songs as Spain, . Print instantly, or sync to our free PC, web and mobile apps. You look like someone who appreciates good music. Listen to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the Premium trial. Play on Spotify Light as a Feather was Return to Forevers second album. Because the first record, Return to Forever, wasnt released in the United States until 1975, many have mistakenly believed Light as a Feather was the bands debut effort. picked up the used vinyl today. I like it I was only familiar with Return to Forever as far as coreas work but I really enjoyed this! Your thoughts on Chick Corea and Return to Forever Light As A Feather (wFlora Purim, S. com Music We and our partners use cookies to deliver our services and to show you ads based on your interests. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. Light As A Feather is perhaps one of the most accesible Jazz Fusion albums of the time, and within its mellifluous allure, it's almost impossible to not be seduced by its charm. This is a truly entertaining work of art and simply a marvelous addition to Jazz, as well as an undeniable classic. Find great deals on eBay for chick corea light as a feather. Find similar albums to Light as a Feather Chick Corea, Return to Forever on AllMusic Listen to your favorite songs from Light As A Feather by Chick Corea Return To Forever Now. Stream adfree with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Albums de Chick Corea Return to Forever Return to Forever (1972) Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy (1973) modifier Light as a Feather (1972) est un album du pianiste de jazz Chick Corea et de son groupe Return to Forever. Sommaire 1 Prsentation de l'album 2 Liste des titres 3 Musiciens 4 Notes et rfrences 5 Lien externe Prsentation de l'album [modifier modifier le code C'est le. Listen to Light As A Feather by Chick Corea on Deezer. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 53 million tracks, create your own playlists, and. CHICK COREA LIGHT AS A FEATHER. Artist: CHICK COREA, Song: LIGHT AS A FEATHER, Duration: 08: 25, Type: mp3. As performed by Chick Corea Return To Forever on Light As A Feather (1973) coutez Light As A Feather par Chick Corea sur Deezer. Avec la musique en streaming sur Deezer, dcouvrez plus de 53 millions de titres, crez gratuitement vos propres playlists, explorez des genres diffrents et partagez vos titres prfrs avec vos amis. Light As A Feather Chick Corea to stream in hifi, or to download in True CD Quality on Qobuz. com Chick Corea has been one of the most significant jazzmen since the '60s. Not content at any time to rest on his laurels, he has been involved in quite a few important musical projects, and his musical curiosity has never dimmed. A masterful pianist who, along with Herbie Hancock and Keith Jarrett. We work hard to keep Digital K7 super well organized and free of ads. Please consider a bitcoin donation of any amount to maintain infrastructure. Watch the video for Light As A Feather from Chick Corea's No Mystery for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Light as a Feather is the second studio album of fusion band Return to Forever, led by pianist Chick Corea. It was recorded in October 8 and 15, 1972 at I. Sound Recording Studios, London, England and released by Polydor in 1973. Light as a Feather Introducing Spain and 500 Miles High A month later, on March 3, 1972, Chick, Stanley, Airto and drummer Tony Williams teamed together as the rhythm section for Stan Getz's Columbia recording Captain Marvel, which featured five Corea compositions, including 500 Miles High, La Fiesta and the title track. Chick Corea and Return to Forever Spain Disc: Light as a feather Light as a Feather is the second studio album by jazz fusion band Return to Forever led by pianist Chick Corea. Corea and Farrell give short solos between the second and the third verse. The band would return to this song during the Light as a Feather sessions later in 1972 when they made four attempts with it; though the song did not make it to the album, all the takes appeared. So light as a feather can be There's a place so easy to be found If you want I'll take you there right now Come with me there's music all around Light as a Feather is the second studio album by jazz fusion band Return to Forever led by pianist Chick Corea. The style of the music remains mostly the same as the first album, though vocals were given a larger role. Chick Corea Light As A Feather music CD album at CD Universe, Featuring the same band as the first Return to Forever album vocalist Flora Purim, saxophonistflutist. Light as a Feather (1972) il secondo album registrato in studio della Fusion band Return to Forever, capitanata dal pianista e tastierista Chick Corea. Light as a Feather, seconda registrazione della band, seguiva di otto mesi il loro primo album, Return to Forever. Lo stile musicale rimane pressoch inalterato, sebbene in questo album le tracce vocali abbiano una maggiore importanza. This is the last great album by the original RTF lineup before Chick Corea decided to turn his group into another Mahavishnu Orchestra with cheesy synth solos and guitar hero pyrotechnics abound. I have never heard a better sounding Rhodes electric piano than on these first two albums. Light as a Feather is one of the finest records released by Return to Forever and is a perfect showcase of Corea's playing after he went electric. Posted by The Mystic at Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Light as a Feather Chick Corea, Return to Forever on AllMusic 1972 Always tied to a confusing time line, the first Light As a Feather Light as a Feather Release by Chick Corea and Return to Forever (see all versions of this release, 6 available) Is Light As A Feather the best album by Chick Corea Return to Forever? com brings together thousands of 'greatest ever album' charts and calculates an overall ranking. demusik: Chick Corea Light As A Feather jetzt kaufen. 6, RETURN TO FOREVER Light As A Feather CD. Jazz, Rock, General, Pop Light As A Feather: Chick Corea: Amazon. es Prueba Prime Msica: CDs y vinilos Ir. Identifcate Cuenta y listas Identifcate Cuenta y listas Pedidos Suscrbete a Prime Cesta 0. es Ofertas Cheques regalo Vender Ayuda. Download Light As A Feather by Chick Corea; Return To Forever in highresolution audio at ProStudioMasters. com Available in 96 kHz 24bit AIFF and FLAC highresolution audio formats. Light as a Feather1972 Chick Corea, Return To Forever Light As A FeatherChick Corea, Return To ForeverCD.