Download Star Trek: Of Gods And Men 2007 YIFY full movie or via The year is 2306 12 years ago, Captain Kirk was swept away by the Nexus. One year later, Commander Scott was reported missing along with the USS Jenolen. The remaining USS Enterprise crew have split. Captain Spock and Doctor McCoy are on Khitomer, continuing their work towards peace the Klingon Empire. A love letter to fans of the original series and a spinoffsequel to Star Trek: Generations. There are appearances from various actors from the other Star Trek universe shows but I don't see. Russ is also the director and one of the stars of the fan series Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, the first third of which was released in December 2007, with the remaining twothirds released in 2008. [4 Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (OGaM sau STOGAM) este o continuare noncanonic Star Trek n trei pri realizat de fani n care apar mai muli actori din serialele i filmele Star Trek. Este descris ca un cadou aniversar la 40 de ani. Filmrile au avut loc n 2006, dar. Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (STOGaM) una webserie amatoriale non ufficiale divisa in tre parti basata su Star Trek, in cui appaiono molti attori presenti nelle serie e nei film di Star Trek. Viene descritta dal suo produttore come un regalo per il quarantesimo anniversario dagli attori di Star Trek ai loro fan. FANTASCIENZA DURATA 87' USA Immaginate di trovarvi 12 anni dopo la scomparsa del capitano James T. Kirk nel Nexus, mentre si trovava a bordo dell'Enterprise Watch Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (2007) online. The Star Trek: Of Gods and Men has got a 0. Star Trek: Of Gods And Men est un film ralis par Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Alan Ruck, Garrett Wang, William Wellman Jr. Hertzler, Gary Graham, Tim Russ, Chase Masterson, Daamen J. Krall, Ethan Phillips, Cirroc Lofton, Lawrence Montaigne, James Cawley, John Carrigan, Grace Lee Whitney, Herbert Jefferson Jr. , Arlene Martel, Jeffery Quinn, Jack Donner, Tanya Lemani, Celeste. Star Trek Of Gods and Men 2007 Estrenada como una miniserie de tres partes que coincidia con el 40 aniversario de la serie original. Fue filmada en 2006, pero su lanzamiento se retras hasta el 200 Guarda i film in piena iscrizione online. Guarda i film Star Trek: Of Gods And Men (2007) Delicious online. Ci che sembra impossibile fino a poco tempo fa ora auspicabile da fonti ufficiali. Ttulo original Star Trek: Of Gods and Men Ao 2007 Duracin 87 min. Pas Estados Unidos Direccin Tim Russ Guion The year is 2306 Twelve years have passed since Captain James Kirk was swept away by the Nexus while saving the crew of the EnterpriseB. Sadly, one year later, Captain Montgomery Scott was reported missing along with the passengers and crew of the USS Jenolen, and to this day has not been found. The remaining crewmembers of the USS Enterprise have gone their separate ways. Watch Star Trek: Of Gods And Men (2007) Free Online The year is 2306 12 years ago, Captain Kirk was swept away by the Nexus. One year later, Commander Scott. Watch Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (2007) online for free at HD quality, fulllength movie. Watch Star Trek: Of Gods and Men movie online from 2007. The movie Star Trek: Of Gods and Men has got a rating, of total votes for watching this movie online. Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (2007) Description: It is the year 2306. Thirteen years have passed since Captain James T. Kirk was swept away by the Nexus, after saving the crew of the EnterpriseB. The remaining crew members of the original USS Enterprise have gone their separate ways. While the existence of Star Trek: Of Gods and Men can be partially credited to Tim Russ championing of the project, the films failures have to be pinned on him for inconsistent direction. Star Trek: Of Gods and Men is a threepart unofficial Star Trek fan miniseries which contains many cast members from the Star Trek TV series and movies. It is described by its producers as a This is the trailer from our first production, Star Trek: Of Gods and Men. See the full list of Star Trek: Of Gods and Men cast and crew including actors, directors, producers and more. Download or any other from Other Movies category. Star Trek: Of Gods and Men It is the year 2306. Thirteen years have passed since Captain James T. Kirk was swept away by the Nexus, after saving the crew of the EnterpriseB. The remaining crew members of the. Movie info: [Fan film The year is 2306 12 years ago, Captain Kirk was swept away by the Nexus. One year later, Commander Scott was reported missing along with the USS Jenolen. The remaining USS Enterprise crew have split. Captain Spock and Doctor McCoy are on Khitomer, continuing their work towards peace the Klingon Empire. Captain Sulu and the Excelsior are on a mission beyond the. The year is 2306 12 years ago, Captain Kirk was swept away by the Nexus. One year later, Commander Scott was reported missing along with the USS Jenolen. The remaining USS Enterprise crew have split. Captain Spock and Doctor McCoy are on Khitomer, continuing their work towards peace the Klingon Empire. Captain Sulu and the Excelsior are on a mission beyond the Alpha Quadrant. Immaginate di trovarvi 12 anni dopo la scomparsa del capitano James T. Kirk nel Nexus, mentre si trovava a bordo dellEnterprise NCC1701B e tentava di salvare i profughi ElAuriani. Star Trek Of Gods and Men Official Site. Mire una pelcula completa en el mejor video de calidad HD watch Star Trek: Of Gods And Men 2007 online free, hi there Star Trek: Of Gods And Men movie online. Thomas is reviewing here, Star Trek: Of Gods And Men 2007 putlockers. Watch Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (2007) Online GoStream, It is the year 2306. Thirteen years have passed since Captain James T. Kirk was swept away by the Nexus, after saving the crew of the EnterpriseB. The remaining crew members of the. Star Trek: Of Gods and Men It is the year 2306. Thirteen years have passed since Captain James T. Kirk was swept away by the Nexus, after saving the crew of the USS EnterpriseB. The remaining crew members of the. Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig) and Nyota Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) respond to a distress call on a special ship they are dedicating with Capt. John Harriman (Alan Ruck), formerly of Enterprise B. Thirteen years have passed since Captain James T. Kirk was swept away by the Nexus, after saving the crew of the USS EnterpriseB. The remaining crew members of the See full summary. NA Trama di Star Trek: of Gods and Men (2007) Mancano poche ore alla chiusura della campagna Kickstarter di The Nostalgist, cortometraggio italiano approdato sul principale sito di crowdfunding al mondo alla ricerca di fondi per la postproduzione e gli effetti speciali e quasi giunto al completamento del budget prefisso. Of Gods And Men is the much anticipated new independent (unlicensed) Star Trek movie with a cast and crew that includes a number of former Trek stars and writers. Star Trek: Of Gods and Men is a threepart unofficial Star Trek fan miniseries which contains many cast members from the Star Trek TV series and movies. It is described by its producers as a '40th Anniversary gift' from Star Trek actors to their fans. It was filmed in 2006, but its release was delayed until. It is not officially endorsed by the rightsholders of Star Trek, but has. Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (Video 2007) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (2007) Full Movie Online. Watch Star Trek: Of Gods and Men 2007 Full Movie Free Online Released: 22 December 2007 Genres: SciFi. 'Star Trek: Of Gods and Men' is an amazing project officially a 'fan film it is produced by a very professional group of people, including many cast members from the original TV series and movies (see the Wikipedia entry for ST: OGAM for more details on this). The first act (26 minutes) has been releasedRead More Immaginate di trovarvi 12 anni dopo la scomparsa del capitano James T. Kirk nel Nexus, mentre si trovava a bordo dellEnterprise NCC1701B e tentava di salvare Watch Star Trek: Of Gods And Men 2007 Movie on Putlocker Free Online. The year is 2306 12 years ago, Captain Kirk was swept away by the Nexus. One ye Star Trek and its associated trademarks are property of CBS Studios Inc. Reproduction or redistribution of Star Trek: Of Gods and Men is expressly forbidden without the written consent of. Watch Star Trek: Of Gods And Men Full Movie Online. The year is 2306 12 years ago, Captain Kirk was swept away by the Nexus. One year later, Commander Scott.