For detailed information about this series, see: Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki Transformers is a series by Hasbro. Please note that this is the Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki's article on the 2007 liveaction movie; if you are looking for the article on the 1986 animated movie then you should head to. The latest Tweets from Transformers Wiki (@tfwiki). We know more about Transformers than you. Pour plus de dtails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Transformers est un film de sciencefiction amricain ralis par Michael Bay et sorti en 2007. Produit par Paramount Pictures, il est adapt de la srie d'animation homonyme diffuse de 1984 1987. Deux suites, Transformers 2: la Revanche (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) et Transformers 3: La Face cache de la Lune. Why do we tell ourselves these stories? Other than the fact that dragons are wicked. It's because we want to believe. Believe that we can be heroes in our own lives. Transformers wiki at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies Transformers is a liveaction film released by DreamWorks in 2007, with Executive Producer Steven Spielberg and Director Michael Bay. The story follows the Transformers' arrival on modernday Earth and their interactions with the human race, as they search for the lifegiving AllSpark and Welcome to the Transformers Movieverse Wiki! The Transformers Movieverse Wiki is a website about the Transformers Film Series that anyone can edit. Transformers is a 2007 American science fiction action film based on the toy line of the same name created by Hasbro. The film, which combines computer animation with liveaction filming, was directed by Michael Bay, with Steven Spielberg serving as executive producer. It was produced by Don Murphy and Tom DeSanto, and is the first installment in the liveaction Transformers film series. (eredeti cm: Transformers: Dark of the Moon, nemhivatalos fordtsban Transformers: A Hold sttsge) 2011ben bemutatott egsz ests amerikai film, amely a Transformers: A bukottak bosszja cm mozifilm folytatsa, s a Transformersfilmek 3. A forgatknyvet Ehren Kruger rta, a filmet Michael Bay rendezte, a zenjt Steve Jablonsky szerezte, a. Transformers es una franquicia de entretenimiento (juguetes, series animadas, pelculas, cmic, videojuegos, etc) coproducida entre las empresas de juguetes Hasbro y Takara Tomy. El hilo argumental de esta franquicia se basa en dos razas robticas, los Autobots y los Decepticons, originarias del planeta Cybertron. La designacin Transformer se deriva de la capacidad que poseen estos. Transformers ist ein USamerikanischer Actionund aus dem Jahr 2007, der auf den gleichnamigen Spielzeugreihen des Herstellers Hasbro basiert. Der Film entstand unter Regie von Michael Bay, die menschlichen Hauptrollen werden von Shia LaBeouf und Megan Fox verkrpert. In den Vereinigten Staaten startete der Film im Verleih von Paramount Pictures und DreamWorks SKG am 4. Transformers es una pelcula de accin y ciencia ficcin estadounidense de 2007 basada en la lnea de juguetes de Transformers. La pelcula, que combina animacin por computadora con accin en vivo, fue dirigida por Michael Bay, con Steven Spielberg como productor ejecutivo. Es la primera entrega de la serie cinematogrfica de Transformers. Est protagonizada por Shia LaBeouf como Sam. Transformers Wiki is a database that anyone can edit about the Transformers toys, cartoons and comics. Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen The Transformers: Forged to Fight Wiki is a database all about Kabam's Transformers: Forged to Fight mobile game, featuring characters from Hasbro's Transformers franchise! Mobile users: This site works best in desktop view. To access desktop view on mobile, scroll down to the bottom of the page Transformers Legends Wiki is a collaborative community site based on the electronic card battle game Transformers Legends that everyone can edit. Optimus Prime is one of the the Autobots leaders and secondary and former Autobot protagonist of the Transformers film series who first appeared in Transformers. Optimus helps bumblebee lead his Autobots against the armies of the Decepticons in their various schemes to enslave humanity to Transformers je akn film z roku 2007, kter je adaptac hraek Transformers, komiks a kreslench seril. Napsal jej Roberto Orci a Alex Kurtzman, reroval Michael Bay. V hlavnch rolch hraje Shia LaBeouf jako Sam Witwicky a Megan Fox jako Mikaela Banes. Ve filmu je zobrazen boj mezi hrdinskmi Autoboty a belskmi Decepticony, co jsou autonomn robotick organismy z. Transformers is a franchise by DreamWorks SKG (a company separate from DreamWorks Animation) and the name of the first movie in the series. They are live action movies directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg, incorporating extensive CGI to bring the Autobots and Decepticons to Transformers is a 2007 liveaction American movie adaptation of the Transformers franchise, directed by Michael Bay and written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. It stars Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky. This movie has a sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Welcome to the Transformers Universe MUX! This is a wiki about the Transformers Universe MUX that anyone can edit. The Transformers Universe MUX is a multiplayer online textbased roleplaying game with an 80s comics and cartoon theme. This wiki is for players new and old alike, and for people Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons and is Optimus Prime's main enemy. A severely weakened Megatron first appears in the Dark of the Moon film in Namibia, Africa, where he is seen transforming and scaring away a herd of grazing animals. Upon arrival, he removes his hood, where the Here is a list of the characters in Transformers: Rescue Bots Its a work in progress A Transformers 2007ben bemutatott egsz ests amerikai film, amely a Transformers franchiseon alapul, s a Transformersfilmek 1. A fszerepben Shia LaBeouf s Megan Fox lthatk, mint Sam Witwicky s Mikaela Banes, akik az alakvlt robotok kt tbora, a hs Autobotok s a gonosz lck hborjba csppennek. Sam rjn, hogy birtokban van a trkp az rk. Transformers) popularna w fantastyce rasa inteligentnych, yjcych i do tego niezwykle zaawansowanych technicznie robotw, zamieszkujca planet Cybertron. Posiadaj one zdolno transformacji, czyli przeksztacania swoich cia w. EditWelcome to the Transformers: The Game wiki guide. Directed by Michael Bay, Transformers is a blockbuster movie full of gigantic robots. Transformers so robs aliengenas fictcios de uma franquia popular da Hasbro, capazes de transformar seus corpos em objetos incuos como veculos. A franquia tornou um sucesso em todo o mundo. Para dar suporte a essa nova linha, foram encomendados uma srie em quadrinhos da Marvel Comics e desenhos animados. [1O sucesso levou a mais brinquedos e continuaes, como as. A sultry femme fatale, Blackarachnia is smart, sexy, and dangerous. She's got eight legs, and she knows how to use them. Of the several rebellious Predacons under Megatron's command, she's one of the very few who can, on occasion, outguile him. Always looking out for Number One, Blackarachnia values her independence and freedom above all else. A Transformers (alakvltk) az amerikai Hasbro s a japn Takara jtkgyrt cgek ltal 1984tl kezdve forgalmazott, jrmvekk, fegyverekk s hasonl technikai eszkzkk talakthat robotmakettszer jtkok, akcifigurk kr ptett, vilghrv vlt franchisea. A Takara, majd a vllalkozsba betrsult Hasbro ltal kiadott jtkok utn. Template: Other uses Lockdown is the name of several characters from the Transformers franchise. He is usually depicted as a ruthless bounty hunter nominally aligned with the Decepticons. Lockdown will pay top dollar to get what he wants so he can earn an even topper dollar! Like any good Pages in category Autobots The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 215 total. (previous 200) () Transformers prides itself with being as cool as it is ridiculous. ' With companies making obscure add on kits for add on kits for the transformers' cool and ridiculous things, the amount of third party toys seems to stretch to infinity. Nonetheless, With the growing market for these items, along Transformers zijn fictieve buitenaardse robots en de hoofdpersonages uit een populaire en gelijknamige mediafranchise bestaande uit een speelgoedlijn en een groot aantal strips, televisieseries en films. De robots maakten hun debuut in 1984 als speelgoedserie. Collect over 100 different Autobots and Decepticons and build the perfect Squad! See All Characters Welcome to the Transformers: Prime Wiki, a comprehensive database and collaborative encyclopedia, created by the fans, for the fans, that houses information on all aspects of the CGI animated series: Transformers: Prime and the Aligned continuity family of the Transformers franchise. Our mission: to collaborate with other fans in order to build a reliable, accurate encyclopedic resource with. Driller is a wormlike Decepticon who appeared in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. It is Shockwave's pet who defends him at all times. Years before the events of the first film, Shockwave his pet Driller arrived on Earth millions of years ago thus placing them into stasis mode. juli 2007 fik spillefilmen Transformers med Megan Fox i den kvindelige hovedrolle, verdensprmiere, ogs i Danmark i de danske biografer, og er blevet en kmpe succes verden over. Filmen har forlbigt indkasseret over 600 millioner, og sommeren 2009 fik Transformers: De faldnes hvn premiere i USA Transformers on Hasbron ja Takara Tomyn vuonna 1984 aloittama lelusarja roboteista, jotka pystyvt muuntautumaan muun muassa autoiksi, lentokoneiksi ja robottielimiksi. Tt ensimmist aaltoa kutsuttiin pitkn fanien keskuudessa nimell Generation 1. Myhemmin nimi tuli viralliseksi. Transformers on yhdistelm japanilaisen leluvalmistajan Takaran Diaclone ja Micro Change. Transformers Wikia Hallo und herzlich willkommen im Transformers Wikia! Das Transformers Wikia ist eine InternetEnzyklopdie zum Themengebiet Transformers. Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach fleiigen Mitarbeitern! Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Transformers (Begriffsklrung) aufgefhrt. Transformers More Than Meets the Eye (slogan, traducibile pi di quel che sembra) Transformers (, Toransufm? ) est une franchise cre par les entreprises japonaise Takara Tomy et amricaine Hasbro, toutes deux productrices de jouets. La franchise commena avec une ligne de jouets constitue de robots pouvant tre transforms en vhicules. Ces robots constituent deux groupes, les Autobots et les Decepticons, qui se combattent. The Transformers Fanon Wiki is a wiki for anybody to create their own stories about the universe of Transformers! To write a new Transformers Fanon Wiki article, enter the page title in.