The anchor of that greatest of Star Trek series, the haunting, murky Deep Space Nine, is everything a Starfleet captain should be, even if he was merely. The Did Shatner really need to make an entire documentary supposedly about all the Star Trek captains just to show us this revelation? In the documentary The Captains. Star Trek Online Tips for New Starship Captains by TraceThorne. I started this for members of my fleet on our own forums, but I wanted to post it here because I think it could benefit everyone as well. Catch up with all five former Star Trek TV show captains. Star Trek The Captains (2011) TVRip sebuah situs yang membahas Film atau Movie mulai dari film lama sampai film terbaru macammacam jenis dan genre movie semua ada di sini selain itu tersedia juga link untuk download film secara. The Captains is a Canadian Star Trek documentary which was written, coproduced, and directed by William Shatner. Its premiere screening was held on 25 July 2011 in New York and Los Angeles. Clips from their respective episodes andor films were interwoven throughout the interviews and combined Star Trek has become one of the most beloved franchises of all time. The original Captain Kirk, William Shatner, travels around the globe to interview the elite group of actors who have portrayed the role of Enterprise Captain. In this followup to the bestselling Captain's Table series of books, nine new Star Trek captains belly up to the bar to tell their tales of adventure and romance, of triumph and tragedy, of duty and honor, of debts paid and prices exacted, including. I expect this thread to die fast, but anyone else notice that each of the showleading Star Trek captains have a drink that gets associated with them Watch videoWith the help of his fellow captains Shatner learns to respect his work on the original Star Trek and finishes the film with a new perspective on life, death, and the legacy he will leave behind. The Captains also delves into each of the actors' lives and careers leading up to their landmark television performances. Following on his massively successful 2011 film The Captains, William Shatner recently featured in the 5part documentary miniseries The Captains: Close Up which aired on the Epix premium cable channel. Each episode features an indepth Shatnerian interview with one of the iconic actors behind the various Star Trek captains Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, Scott Bakula and. William Shatner's The Captains (2011) Filmestream Deutsch. Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager traten ebenfalls mit fremden Welten in regen Kontakt, und zwar noch einmal 100 Jahre spter bzw. Willkommen auf der Web Filmestream Netflix Free Filme, fr eine vollstndigere Sieh die Filme William Shatner's The Captains Sie bitte. This review has been overwhelmingly positive and looking back on it I think it suffices to say that Star Trek Fleet Captains is an excellent game, for sciencefiction fans and especially Star Trek fans. Star Trek: Fleet Captains was voted as the# 1 game of 2011 by both hosts of the Dice Tower and has been called The best Trek game ever made. Product Features In the history of Starfleet, many officers have captained starships andor held the rank of captain. A list of captains seen in alternate timelines and parallel universes. William Shatner is joined by fellow Star Trek captain Avery Brooks to present a preview of the original documentary. One of 'Star Trek's' greatest captains had us scratching our heads. When Kate Mulgrew, 2011 at 3: 22 pm herself the first female captain, I winceshe most certainly was NOT. There were several other women who portrayed captains on Star Trek long before she did. And for the most part, they were far better actors than she. William Shatner is joined by fellow Star Trek captain Avery Brooks to present a preview of the an original documentary. For more ComicCon 2011 coverage, che Actor William Shatner addresses the crowd at an outdoor screening of his new Star Trekthemed documentary 'The Captains held at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on July 25, 2011 in. Kirk; William Shatner as Kirk in a publicity photograph for the original Star Trek. First appearance: Television: The Man Trap (1966) James T. Kirk at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki. The Captains, which premiered on EPIX in the US in July and on Movie Central in Canada in October, follows Shatner as he meets with fellow onscreen Star Trek captains, including Avery Brooks. Find star trek captains from a vast selection of Games and Toys. Start by marking Fire Ship (Star Trek: The Captains Table, # 4) as Want to Read: Captain Janeway is my favorite character in Star Trek: Voyager, and I love to read stories that are centered around her. Jul 25, 2011 Mikael Kuoppala rated it it was ok. I like Janeway immensly, but in this book her characterization is way off. Friday, November 11, 2011 paint: star trek: fleet captains After hearing the review of Star Trek: Fleet Captains on episode 88 of The D6G, I knew I had to get it as a Christmas present for one of my oldest, bestest friends. Watch The Captains (2011) Free Online The Captains is a feature length documentary film written and directed by William Shatner. Watch The Captains (2011) Free Online The Captains is a feature length documentary film written and directed by William Shatner. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) Return of the Jedi (1983) Star Trek. Presents the stories of four Starfleet captains and how they face the responsibilities and challenges of being in charge. Star Trek: Captains Log is a comic anthology miniseries from IDW Publishing, published on an infrequent basis. Like the similar series Star Trek: Alien Spotlight, the miniseries has a different focus each issue in this instance, a different captain. In The Captains, a documentary making its debut on Friday on Epix, William Shatner interviews the five actors who succeeded him on Star Trek and its spinoffs. William ShatnerPatrick Stewartand Kate MulgrewTogether On StageTalking, Joking, Laughing, and Sharing Stories of Their Times on The Bridge of The. Tonight William Shatners The Captains premieres on the Epix channel and EpixHD. Shatner has described the new documentary about the captains of Star Trek as a journey of discovery for. Shatner talks Star Trek with former captains William Shatner attends the during ComicCon 2011 on July 22, 2011 in San Diego, California Getty Images This October, all five Star Trek captains will travel to London to be united on stage for the very first time. It's a moment of nerdvana that's likely to make your average Trekkie go weak at the. The Captains Torrents (2011) The Captains is a feature length documentary film written and directed by William Shatner. The film follows Shatner as he interviews the other actors whom have portrayed Starship captains within the illustrious sciencefiction franchise. Star Trek Fleet Captains puts the entire Federation or Klingon fleet at your disposal as you fight for control over a sector of unexplored space. Encounter new civilizations, expand your influence by establishing an outpost or a starbase, and complete missions to secure your victory. With the help of his fellow captains Shatner learns to respect his work on the original Star Trek and finishes the film with a new perspective on life, death, and the legacy he will leave behind. The Captains also delves into each of the actors' lives and careers leading up. William Shatner arrives at the Intrepid SeaAirSpace Museum for a screening of his new Star Trek documentary, The Captains. Can Star Trek Fleet Captains possibly be as good or bad as you have heard. My Dad Says, hosting several shows, working on a documentary about Star Trek captains, and more. Nimoy, meanwhile, recently announced his retirement from acting, though Star Trek fans were happy to hear that hes committed to several convention appearances in 2011. Being a documentary about Star Trek captains it HAD to feature Chris Pine, the youngest of the bunch, with only a feature film in the Trek series under his belt, and not much of a career to boast on either. Star Trek Fleet Captains FAQ version If you are missing your command posts, look under the ship insert (not the entire insert, just the insert the Ships are in) CBS Entertainment This site and its contents 2018 CBS Studios Inc All Rights Reserved. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. Since first soaring onto television screens in the mid 1960s, Star Trek has become one of the most beloved franchises of all time. The original Captain Kirk, William Shatner, travels around the globe to interview the elite group of actors (Patrick Stewart. The Captains has many more moments like that, which makes it pretty tolerable as vanity projects go. And it should be catnip for Trekkers and Trekkies, a number of whom are seen at a Las Vegas Star Trek convention reacting to Mr. Shatner's presence with appropriate reverence. The Captains documentario del 2011 diretto da William Shatner. Trama [ modifica modifica wikitesto William Shatner intervista i vari capitani delle navi stellari visti nell'universo di Star Trek. All personnel listed here should also be listed Category: Starfleet personnel. Unwritten articles Parvenu Brody Richard Arnold M. Becker Blackwood David Carson Chip Chalmers Mandy Chamberlin Joe Chess Conklin (Captain) Daniel Curry John Dwyer. Star Trek: Captain's Log Star Trek: A QUARTET OF LEGENDARY STARFLEET CAPTAINS GET THEIR DUE IN THIS THRILLING AND REVEALING COLLECTION OF ONESHOTS! See how Captains Pike, Sulu, Harriman. Star Trek Fleet Captains lets you create a fleet made up of the Enterprise A, Voyager and even the Enterprise E, which is just plain fun if you're a Trekkie. In all, you'll get 12 Federation and. STAR TREK: THE CAPTAINS (LOS CAPITANES) Star Trek es una franquicia de series de televisin y pelculas de ciencia ficcin. El universo de ficcin de Star Trek creado por Gene Roddenberry est compuesto por cinco series de televisin con actores reales, incluyendo Star Trek: la serie original de 1966, ms una serie de animacin con personajes dibujados en 2D, adems de once pelculas.