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Here's how you can download Windows 8. 1 Pro ISO files legally and directly from Microsoft without needing a product key, and create bootable USB the easy way. Instead, if you had 32bit Windows 8 installed during setup youd end up with the 32bit version of Windows 8. There were other niggling issues too, but Microsoft has. 1 Trke 32 bit 64 bit full iso indir tek link formatlk gncel grsel orijinal msdn. nternet Download Manager; Windows 8. 1 Pro 64 Bit Office 2013 64 Bit Trke Gncel Full ndir. How to download the ISO file of Windows 8 Pro 64 bit I have a dreamspark premium account which I used to download Windows 8 Pro and to obtain a genuine product key. Unfortunately, I downloaded the 32 bit version by mistake. 1 Pro ISO Download 64 bit and 32 bit: Windows 8. 1 Pro ISO Download 64 bit and 32 bit is very Common to every Person. 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