, psp. Allow to compress decompress CSO or ISO game files. Just drag drop ISO or CSO file to start process. Required PSP custom firmware with. m33, TNA, PRO) You can also share final fantasy 8 psp iso cso or any other file with the community. Upload any file up to 20 MB size without any limitations! PSP Mega Oyun Arivi 3 Full Paket indir, 80 seip indirebileceiniz psp oyun arividir tek tekte indirebilirsiniz. cso uzantl oyun dosyalarn ISO klasrne atn. cso Posted in 500 juegos psp, Get In The Tomorrow, God Of War Ghost Of Sparta, gratis juegos psp, II Rise of Apocalypse, Juegos PSP Espaol, Juegos PSP Espaol CSO, Juegos PSP. PSPshare ultimate PSP Game download source. Free PSP ISO, CSO, ROM Games Download. Best and the Latest PSP games downloads. Free Download ISOCSO Files PSP Games and more INFORMACIN En ste vdeo te ensear a como convertir la imagen ISO del UMD de algn juego de PSP a el archivo ms c : : pspds. Here you can download the sims 2 psp cso iso shared files: The Sims 2 Tempo Livre. com 95 MB, Descargar the sims 2 completo para psp en iso signedpsp descarga juegos homebrews psp psx iso cso eb from mediafire. com (1 KB) Download section for PSP ROMs ISOs of Rom Hustler. Browse ROMs ISOs by download count and ratings. coloca mais games psp ai blz si me ajudar eu agradesso mais coloca eles mais pequenos cso. Responder Excluir , , , psp psp. Enviar a mensagem por email D a sua opinio! Partilhar no Twitter Partilhar no Facebook Partilhar no Pinterest Browse our 3130 PSP PlayStation Portable ROM and ISO Downloads. aqui les dejo una coleccion de juegos para psp archivos (iso, cso que guardan en la carpeta iso de su psp) los tipos de archivo eboot se guardan la ruta pspgame de su psp, todos los juegos estan en descraga directa el blog sera actualizado constantemente, pronto tambien subire juegos para pc con pocos requisitos esten al pendiente, un. Free PsP games [isocso juegos para psp, juegos para psp 1 link ISO CSO, Descargar, juegos psp, juegos de psp, descargar juegos para psp ISO, CSO, playstation portable, god of war psp, psp juegos, descargar juegos psp, jugar gratis, gta san andreas psp, games for psp, call of duty psp, pagina. Free Download ISOCSO Files PSP Games and more Informacin: Nombre: Ikki Tousen Xross Impact PSP Compatible con el emulador: PPSSPP Idioma: Japones Peso: 695 mb Formato: ISO Servidor: Mega Openload 1. Roms Isos PSX, PS1, PS2, PSP, Arcade, NDS, 3DS, Wii, Gamecube, Snes, Mega drive, Nintendo 64, GBA, Dreamcast download via. How to Convert PSP Games to CSO or DAX Three Methods: Using UMDGen Using PSP ISO Compresser for Windows Using CISO XP Community QA This tells you how to convert your PSP ISOs to CSO, DAX or JSO Files I do not own any links and pictures on this blog spot, I just gather them from different websites. If you want to add the games you want that are not included in here, request it to me and I will add it as soon as possible, any question or problems just comment on this post. By the way, the games are not p roperly arranged, but I arra ng e them from A to Z. With all the links being dead, we decided to start from scratch! Give us a time to get all the links uploaded again, this time they will stay for real and the database will be much larger too. The PSP supported game ROM formats are mainly ISOCSO which generally have very big file size. PSP ISO Compressor is a fairly powerful and the most commonlyused PSP game image compression and conversion tool. Its simple, practical and fast along with fewer problems, we strongly recommend it for handheld game console players. vous le trouverez surement dans nos archives sinon demandez le sur le Forum! vous dsirez couter vos artistes favoris, alors venez visiter notre audiothque et servez vous. Download Ciso PSP Iso Compressor for free. Ciso is a small tool to compress your psp iso to cso format. It was originaly coded by Booster, the famous coder of Devhook for the PSP. Once youve installed the custom firmware on your PSP now download your desired PSP Game (ISOCSO). If the downloaded PSP game is a compressed. rar file then make sure to extract isocso using WinRAR. Free ISOs, CSO and Games for your PSP console and PPSSPP emulator. Free Download PSP ISO Compressor Simple piece of software designed to help you handle the ISO format, compress it to CSO file format and even conv descargar juegos para psp en 1 link formato iso, cso tienen que tener su psp chipeada o pirateada o como le digan ustedes, deben de tenerla asi para que puedan jugar estos juegos, si aun no la tienen no se preocupen en la parte superior derecha les dejo un tutorial de como hacerlo es muy rapido y facil Etiquetas cso descarga directa isos juegos para psp lista play station portable psp psp games psxpsp recopilacin Estado Cerrado para nuevas respuestas hola amigos de emudesc hoy traigo una aplicacion muy util para tener mas juegos en sus memorias del PSP basicamente CSO es un archivo comprimido de ISO This instructable will teach you how to compress an. cso files saves space on your PSP. This can only be done if you are running . CSO is a compression method for the ISO image format. It is used to compress dumped PlayStation Portable UMD games, and is an alternative to the. It is also sometimes called CISO. It was the first compression method for ISO. By Games Torrents 56 PSP Naruto and his friends are in for the fight of their lives as they search for Gaara, the fifth Kazekage, who has been kidnapped by the dreaded Akatsuki organization. Its a race against time as the Akatsuki attempts to release Extract it and open the program, to convert ISO to CSO use the compress tab to convert CSO to ISO use the decompress tab, click the folder icon to search for the ISOCSO and click the disk icon to select where to save it. Afin d'accder l'inscription de PSPPassion, veuillez cliquer sur le lien cidessous. L'inscription est gratuite et ne prend que quelques instants. Allow to compress decompress CSO or ISO game files. Just drag drop ISO or CSO file to start process. Required PSP custom fir Free PSP Games Download. Download totally Free ISO, CSO Games. 2.