Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2. Hello Mary Lougoodbye heart Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lou is 2013 horror film and is the remake of 1987 horror film. Starring Summary When Hamilton High's Prom Queen of 1982, Mary Lou Maloney is killed by her jilted boyfriend, she comes back for revenge 30 years later. Plot In 1982, seventeen year old Mary Lou Maloney Mary Lou Maloney is the main villain in Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 and Prom Night 3: The Last Kiss. She is the ghost of a vindictive girl who was killed in a freak accident on her prom night. Most importantly, she is serves as a titular villain only in the second film. Background history Mary Vicky, ein attraktiver Teenager, soll an ihrer Schule zur Semesterknigin gekrnt werden. Als sie in dem Kleideraum eine Schachtel mit der Aufschrift Mary Lou 1957 ffnet, wir Lisa Schrage is a Canadian film and television actress. She is best known for portraying as Mary Lou Maloney in the Canadian horror film Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987). She had a lead role in the Canadian horror film Food of the Gods II (1989). Schrage was raised in Toronto, Ontario. In this episode, the Retro Movie Geek crew are joined by Jessy, and are geeking out over Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) and vengeful prom queens cheeseball 1980s style Rent Hello Marylou: Prom Night II (1987) starring Lisa Schrage and Wendy Lyon on DVD and Bluray. Get unlimited DVD Movies TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. Watch Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II Full Online in HD 1080p on 123Movies For Free. When Hamilton High's Prom Queen of 1957, Mary Lou Maloney is kille Prom Night III: The Last Kiss is a 1990 Canadian supernatural horrorcomedy film and the third in the Prom Night franchise, continuing the storyline involving the murderous ghoul Mary Lou Maloney. This is the only entry to depart from the strictly horror genre of the series, and is. When Hamilton High's Prom Queen of 1957, Mary Lou Maloney (Lisa Schrage) is killed by her jilted boyfriend, she comes back for revenge 30 years later. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 Thirty years after dying at her 1957 senior prom, the ghost of Mary Lou returns to wreak vengeful havoc. This was supposed to be a standalone movie with an entirely different name, but after a few tweaks, it became a quasisequel. Watch Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) Free Online Thirty years after her accidental death at her 1957 senior prom, the tortured spirit of prom queen Mary Lou Maloney returns to seek revenge. Hello Mary Lou's exploration of those dream worlds and the subconscious are the most intriguing points of the film. The scene where Vicki, under the possession of Mary Lou, kisses her father is a shocking moment steeped in Freudian undertones. Find great deals on eBay for hello mary lou prom night. 2, 072 likes 1 talking about this. Hello Mary Lougoodbye heart Without the shower nudity of course. The third death in Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 [1987. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II is a 1987 sequel to Prom Night (1980). The film centers around the ghost of one Mary Lou Maloney, a girl who was accidentally. Prom Night II Thirty years after her accidental death at her 1957 senior prom, the tortured spirit of prom queen Mary Lou Maloney returns to seek revenge. Add Image Template: Infobox Film Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 is a 1987 film, the second installment in the Prom Night saga. It introduced the vengeful female ghost named Mary Lou Maloney, who returned in 1989 film Prom Night 3: The Last Kiss. Contents[show Plot In 1957, seventeen yearold Mary Mary Lou Maloney Known aliases Mary Lou Poor Child Demon Jezebel Harlot Year of death 1957Age 16Film Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II Prom Night III: The Last KissStatus DeceasedPortrayed by Lisa Schrage (Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II) Courtney Taylor. Thirty years after her accidental death at her 1957 senior prom, the tortured spirit of prom queen Mary Lou Maloney returns to seek revenge. Find Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II at Amazon. com Movies TV, home of thousands of titles on DVD and Bluray. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night Part II. Ridiculous title, but a high school slasher horror comedy worth seeing. Canada: a country best known for its free Medicare, hunky Prime Minister, maple syrup porn, and, during the '70s and '80s, a muchabused film industry tax incentive program that sent The Great White North spiraling into a little place we like to call The Midnight Void. When the government decides to make a movie financiers Well loved for building and succeeding upon its predecessor and for a keen 80s sensibility Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II promises a night youll always remember. Hello MaryLou: Prom Night II (1987) and Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990) centered around the ghost of MaryLou Maloney, who was accidentally killed during her Prom Queen crowning in the 50's. The former film has her returning for revenge and latter has her dating a guy after she escapes from hell. Find great deals on eBay for hello mary lou prom night 2. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) is a movie genre Horror produced by Simcom Limited was released in Canada on with director Bruce Pittman and. Hello Mary Lou is a classic rock song originally sung by Ricky Nelson and covered by such classic bands as Queen, CCR, and Led Zeppelin. I love the song and it's not the reason why I bought this dvd. I saw a very, very brief clip of this film over ten years ago and i've always wanted to get it once I. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (original title) R 1h 37min Horror, Thriller 16 October 1987 (USA) Thirty years after her accidental death at her 1957 senior prom, the tortured spirit of prom queen Mary Lou Maloney returns to seek revenge. When Hamilton High's Prom Queen of 1957, Mary Lou Maloney is killed by her jilted boyfriend, she. Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lou Aired May 10, 2014 Running time 38: 33 Previous review In the Name of the King 3: The Last Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lou Channel Awesome FANDOM powered by. There are two subsequent Prom Night pictures (The Last Kiss and Deliver Us From Evil), but neither came close to reaching the gonzo yet altogether sincere heights of Hello Mary Lou. A prom queen's tortured spirit rises to get revenge against the boyfriend responsible for her fiery death. He's now the highschool principal. Watch videoAdd this video to your site using the above embed code Hello Mary Lou is exactly the kind of thing I look for in a horror film. Its so comical and absurd, a film that seems to do whatever it pleases. I truly miss this era of film where you could just go to a local video store, walk around in the horror section, find a film with great VHS box art and photos on the back and be treated to a very. out of Supernatural doo wop revenge telekinesis style! Thirty years after her accidental death at her 1957 senior prom, the tortured spirit of prom queen Mary Lou Maloney returns to seek revenge. This little slice of 1980s goodness doesnt disappoint, but for that matter it doesnt Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) Director: Bruce Pittman Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 The original PROM NIGHT from 1980 is one of my favorite horror films of the decade. It's one of the most memorable slashers of the 80; s, in my opinion, and it obviously struck a chord with moviegoers as it has produced two sequels and a remake. Though not a true sequel to Paul Lynch's derivative slasherdud Prom Night, this Carrieflavored horror film begins in 1957 with the fiery death of bitchy prom queen Mary Lou Maloney (Lisa Schrage. Watch Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II Full Movie @ Free Online thirty years after her accidental death at the 1957 senior prom the tortured spirit of prom queen mary lou maloney returns and she is out for revenge thirty years. Finally Prom Night comes around and Vicki is totally taken over by Mary Lou, she is sure she'll win prom queen. The theme of prom is late 80's neon and it looks great. Josh (Brock Simpson) is the school computer nerd, who is my kind of dreamy spaz and he has set up a computer voting system for the prom queen. Hello Mary Lou Prom Night II Bluray (1987): Starring Michael Ironside, Terri Hawkes and Brock Simpson. Thirty years after her accidental death at the 1957 senior prom, the tortured spirit of prom. The difference between Prom Night and Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 helpfully illustrates two of the main strands running through 80s horror and slasher cinema. Firstly, is the complete indifference to continuity. Originally titled The Haunting Of Hamilton High, and intended as a homage to horrorexploitation directors of the past (there are cast members Stream Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lou uncut, adfree on all your favorite devices. Originally released in 1987, Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II has little to do with the original Prom Night, save for the principal location A page for describing YMMV: Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II. Complete Monster: Mary Lou Maloney, from here and the following film, was a popular, if spiteful. Mary Lou isnt some innocent teenage girl caught in the throngs of high school lust and deception: shes a vixen preordained to be one of those homicidal sorts frequently seen in mainstream horror movies..