Bridge over Troubled Water is the titular song of Simon Garfunkels album of the same name. The single was released on January 26, 1970, though it also appears on the live album Live. Simon Garfunkel's 1970 swan song, Bridge Over Troubled Water, was both their most effortless record and their most ambitious. The duo spent most of the 1960s as a highly regarded folk act. Studio Version Lyrics: When you're weary Feeling small When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all I'm on your side When times get rough And friends just Capo 3 [Verse C F C When you're weary, feeling small, F Bb F C F C F C F When tears are in your eyes, i will dry them all C G Am G F C I'm on your side. when times get rough C7 F D G And Free download Simon And Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water Mp3. To start this download lagu you need to click on [Download Button. Remember that by downloading this song you accept our terms and conditions. Enjoy downloading Simon And Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water. Simon Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water (from The Concert In Central Park) Lyrics to Bridge Over Troubled Water song by Simon Garfunkel: When you're weary, feeling small, When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all I'm on your side O Bridge over Troubled Water es el quinto y ltimo lbum de estudio de Simon and publicado el 26 de enero de 1970. Se emplearon cerca de 800 horas de grabacin para su elaboracin. El lbum cosech un xito mundial, vendiendo, solamente en Estados Unidos, cerca de ocho millones de copias, y alrededor de veinte millones en todo el mundo. Songs wie der Titelsong Bridge over troubled Water, The Boxer, Cecilia oder El Condor Pasa (If I could) sind unvergessliche Hits, die auch heute noch regelmig im Radio laufen. Obwohl diese Musik schon fast 50 Jahre alt ist, wirkt sie keine Spur altbacken oder antiquiert, sie ist zeitlos und beeindruckend wie eh und je. Simon And Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water Lyrics. Simon And Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water Bridge Over Troubled Water When you're weary, feeling small When tears are in your eyes. Letra, traduo e msica de Bridge Over Troubled Water de Simon Garfunkel. Bridge over Troubled Water is the fifth and final studio album by Simon Garfunkel. Released on January 26, 1970, it reached No. 1 on Billboard Music Charts pop albums list. Inspired by a single line from a gospel song, Paul Simon's classic Bridge Over Troubled Water has been covered by everyone from Elvis Presley to Aretha Franklin Shares Simon and Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water Songtext von Simon Garfunkel mit Lyrics, deutscher bersetzung, MusikVideos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte. com Bridge Over Troubled Water es el quinto y ltimo lbum de estudio de Simon and Garfunkel. Inicialmente publicado el 26 de enero de 1970. Se emplearon cerca de 800 horas de grabacin para su elaboracin. Bridge over Troubled Water is a song by American music duo Simon Garfunkel. Produced by the duo and Roy Halee, the song was released as the followup single to The Boxer in January 1970. The song is featured on their fifth studio album, Bridge over Troubled Water (1970). Composed by singersongwriter Paul Simon, the song is performed on piano and carries the influence of gospel music. Bridge Over Troubled Water is the most celebrated song of celebrated songwriter Paul Simon's career and the most successful song associated with the very successful 1960s duo Simon Garfunkel. Simon, who wrote nearly all the team's material, came up. Music video by Simon Garfunkel performing Bridge over Troubled Water. (C) 1982 Paul Simon Art Garfunkel under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainme Many people accuse Bridge Over Troubled Water, the 5th and final Simon and Garfunkel album, of being too commercial. Even Art Garfunkel reportedly hated the record for this reason. Even Art Garfunkel reportedly hated the record for this reason. Print and download Bridge Over Troubled Water sheet music by Simon Garfunkel. Sheet music arranged for PianoVocalGuitar in Eb Major (transposable). Bridge over troubled water Chords by Simon Garfunkel Learn to play guitar by chord and tabs and use our crd diagrams, transpose the key and more. Watch videoSimon Garfunkel: Bridge Over Troubled Water paroles et traduction de la chanson Lyrics to 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' by Simon And Garfunkel: When you're weary, feeling small When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all (all) I'm on Vertaling van: Simon Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water Als je vermoeid bent en je je klein voelt Als de tranen in je ogen staan, zal ik ze allemaal drogen Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Bridge Over Troubled Water Simon Garfunkel on AllMusic 1970 Bridge Over Troubled Water was one of the Watch the video for Bridge over Troubled Water from Simon Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled Water for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Die deutsche bersetzung von Bridge Over Troubled Water und andere Simon Garfunkel Lyrics und Videos findest du kostenlos auf Songtexte. Find a Simon And Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water first pressing or reissue. Complete your Simon And Garfunkel collection. Simon og Garfunkels femte og sidste LP Bridge Over Troubled Water fra 1970, og filmen The Graduate fra 1967, sender mig direkte tilbage til ungdommens bde forjttede og spndende land, men ogs til en problemfyldt og bumset tid. Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at works as a search engine and provides onthefly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'composers' will. Experienced via UD1S, Bridge over Troubled Water places Simon, Garfunkel, and their cadre of session pros in your listening room. Every note, breath, and movement is reproduced with exquisite accuracy, wowing clarity, and impeccable balance. The first vinyl album I ever bought was the original Simon Garfunkel's Greatest Hits. Given this, I have never owned a copy of Bridge Over Troubled Water. Their final studio album, Bridge Over Troubled Water, was an enormous hit, topping the charts for ten weeks, and containing four hit singles (the title track, The Boxer, Cecilia, and El Condor Pasa). Listen to Bridge Over Troubled Water now. Listen to Bridge Over Troubled Water in full in the Spotify app. Play on Spotify 1970 Sony Music Entertainment Inc. Simon Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water (traduo) (Letra e msica para ouvir) When you're weary Feeling small When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all I'm on your side When times get rough And friends just can't be Bridge Over Troubled Water Simon Garfunkel. And who can tire of Bridge over Troubled Water? I have the Concert in Central Park on my daughter's Christmas list and will enjoy watching it through new eyes. What does Simon Garfunkel's song Bridge Over Troubled Water mean? Bridge over Troubled Water is the fifth and final studio album by American folk rock duo Simon Garfunkel, released in January 1970 on Columbia Records. Following the duo's soundtrack for The Graduate, Art Garfunkel took an acting role in the film Catch22, while Paul Simon worked on the songs, writing all tracks except Felice and Boudleaux Bryant's Bye Bye Love (previously a hit for the. Experienced via UD1S, Bridge over Troubled Water places Simon, Garfunkel, and their cadre of session pros in your listening room. Every note, breath, and movement is reproduced with exquisite accuracy, wowing clarity, and impeccable balance. # PLEASE NOTE# # This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the# # song. You may only use this Bridge Over Troubled Water Chords Simon And Garfunkel, version (1). Play Bridge Over Troubled Water Chords using simple video lessons Simon Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water. When you're weary, feeling small When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all (all) I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough Letra e msica de Bridge Over Troubled Water de Simon Garfunkel. Simon Garfunkel Bridge over troubled waters Letra traducida de Bridge over troubled waters Simon Garfunkel. Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down When you're down and out When you're on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you Bridge Over Troubled Water, released in 1970, was Simon Garfunkels final studio album and their greatest success. The title track won an unprecedented five Grammy Awards, while the complete record won Album of the Year. The album stayed at# 1 for 10 weeks, remained on the chart for a Bridge over Troubled Water is the fifth and final studio album by American folk rock duo Simon Garfunkel, released in January 1970 on Columbia Records. Bridge Over Troubled Water is a song by American music duo Simon Garfunkel. Produced by the duo and Roy Halee, the song was released as the followup single to The Boxer on January 26, 1970..