Spitfire Audio is a British music technology company, founded in 2007 by composers Christian Henson and Paul Thomson, producing high quality virtual instruments and sample libraries. Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings KONTAKT Size: 75. Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings KONTAKT. 16 of the finest string players, playing the finest instruments via the finest signal path in The Hall at Air Studios, London. Spitfire dropping Kontakt for HZ Strings epic scores, gigantic number of string players in AIR hall. I'm not fond of too flushed, silky sounds. releasing on Kontakt, then stopping updating Kontakt based. The only problem there is if they do end up releasing both Kontakt and Spitfire Engine at the same time, will they. We now present Spitfire Chamber Strings in a rationalised, and more instantly useable form. As mentioned before it is the Spitfire team's absolute favourite string range, admired for its beauty, its versatility but also its totally unique sonic character. Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings (KONTAKT) 2139 0 Expansions kontakt 17 07 2017 Small can be more beautiful. 16 of the finest string players, playing the finest instruments via the finest signal path in The Hall at Air Studios, London. With KONTAKT 6, you can sound like a snare drum, a symphony orchestra, or anything in between, from a universe of sampled instruments. Its a simple sampler when you want it to be, and a deep sonic scripting laboratory when you need something more. The next generation of the worlds favorite sampling platform gives you new instruments and new features under the hood so you can layer. Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings KONTAKT Small can be more beautiful. 16 of the finest string players, playing the finest instruments via the finest signal path in The Hall at Air Studios, London. A super deepsampled encyclopaedia of string articulations and techniques. The Spitfire teams favourite string product todate. When many of us hear the word Spitfires Christian Henson has worked with Sacconi for many years and thanks them for helping him understand what works for a quartet and what makes a quartet gel. Robin Holloway, John Metcalf and Alun Hoddinot, and they performed as the solo string quartet on Paul McCartneys hit song Come Home. The SacconiQuartet has been joined on. If there was a single product that could sum up the foundation of Spitfires approach to sampling it would be this. Recorded at the studio that has played host to scores from blockbusters that have grossed billions of dollars, with the same players playing the same instruments. Deep sampled with our usual affluent approach. If you want Spitfire Audio Symphonic Strings [KONTAKT SSS is a consolidation of nearly a decades worth of sampling experience, befriending Londons finest string players and through a process of Kaizen (that can be tracked through over 20 unique strings libraries we have made) perfecting the ideal balance of life, realism and soul with. An overview of the new Symphonic Strings library, comprising the former BML Mural volumes 13 and Ensembles, CTA mics, with new Performance Legato patches an Details for Spitfire Audio Symphonic Strings V. KONTAKT: Created by fozzyd1970 6 months ago: Applications: Mac: befriending London's finest string players and through a process of Kaizen (that can be tracked through over 20 unique strings libraries we have made) perfecting the ideal balance of life, realism and soul with the accuracy. For the first time ever, Spitfire Audio refrained from using Native Instruments KONTAKT engine to program their orchestral library but chose to come up with their very own dedicated sampler for Hans Zimmer Strings. Lets have a look at how the new plugin works. Spitfire Audio Sacconi Strings Quartet KONTAKT Size: 71. When you convince, cajole and caress the proprietors of one of the most favoured chamber music venues in the world to open their doors to a sampling project and they say yes you can have it for one day in August what do you do. Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings KONTAKT Small can be more beautiful. 16 of the finest string players, playing the finest instruments via the finest signal path in The Hall at Air Studios, London. A super deepsampled encyclopaedia of string articulations and techniques. The Spitfire teams favourite string product todate. When many Spitfire Audio releases Spitfire Studio Strings for Kontakt Player 4th September 2018 Spitfire Audio Symphonic Strings Review. which means it is fully compatible with hardware from Native Instruments and will run even with a free version of Kontakt 5. patches but also the multiarticulation instruments makes it a breeze to come up with convincing and great sounding string arrangements. Spitfire Chamber Strings (689 USD from SpitfireAudio. com at the time of writing) is a chamber string library for either the free Kontakt Player or Full Kontakt versions. Recorded in AIR Lyndhurst and featuring so many of the hallmarks of Spitfire Audios sampling approach that weve previously lauded in earlier. Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings (KONTAKT) As mentioned before it is the Spitfire team's absolute favourite string range, admired for its beauty, its versatility but also its totally unique sonic character. For us, if you're a composer looking to stand out from the herd, our. Spitfire Audio has launched Chamber Strings Professional, a deepsampled Kontakt Player instrument library featuring the sounds of string articulations and techniques from 16 of the finest string players, recorded in The Hall at Air Studios, London. The professional edition strengthens the core. Spitfire Audio has released Spitfire Chamber Strings, a 16 string player sized chamber sting library with the aim to to create the definitive chamber strings project that gives you the widescreen Hollywood sound we all desire, with a detail and ability to articulate that is harder with larger. Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings KONTAKT. 3 GB Small can be more beautiful. 16 of the finest string players, playing the finest instruments. Spitfire Audio's new Hans Zimmer Strings delivers a string section of epic proportions with help from one of the biggest names in film Spitfire Audio's LONDON CONTEMPORARY ORCHESTRA STRINGS for Kontakt. Spitfire Audio noted a shift in string writing based on innovative techniques and performance styles becoming a global movement. Most certainly that was the case, but it was also nigh on impossible to program with the tools (then) currently available. Spitfire Audio BML Mural Symphonic String Ensembles (KONTAKT) 94. 79 GB Spitfire Audio BML Mural Symphonic Strings Part I (KONTAKT) 43. 79 GB East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Platinum Pro XP: Strings (KOMPAKT) 344piece string library gets its own plugin no Kontakt required Software Virtual Instrument Having enjoyed a number of fruitful collaborations in the past, Spitfire Audio and Hans Zimmer have unveiled their most ambitious project yet. Groundbreaking String Sampling. The allnew solo accompaniment to your Symphonic and Chamber ranges. British Blockbuster Symphonics. Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings KONTAKT Free Download Small can be more beautiful. 16 of the finest string players, playing the finest instruments via the finest signal path in The Hall at Air Studios, London. A super deepsampled encyclopaedia of string articulations and techniques. The Spitfire teams favourite string product todate. When many of us hear SPITFIRE SYMPHONIC STRINGS USER MANUAL. PAGE 2 SSS USER MANUAL CONGRATULATIONS PRECAUTIONS Thank you for purchasing Spitfire Symphonic Strings. We are sure theyll bring you many years of pleasure. Our mission statement with this, your new workhorse library, was to create the daddy. Kontakt and Kontakt Player (we know, very. SPITFIRE CHAMBER STRINGS USER MANUAL. PAGE 2 SCS USER MANUAL SCS USER MANUAL PAGE 3 CONGRATULATIONS WELCOME Free Kontakt Player Included New intuitive GUI with inline help Essential microphones (CTA) As mentioned before it is the Spitfire teams absolute favourite string range, admired for its beauty, its. Aimed at producers looking for highquality readytogo string sections for modern productions, SESSION STRINGS produces immediate results without hours of fine tuning and tweaking, yet also boasts an incredible set of expressive features accessible from a highly intuitive interface. Spitfire Audio releases Symphonic Strings Evolutions for Kontakt Player 31st August 2017 Spitfire Audio has released Spitfire Symphonic Strings Evolutions, which applies the company's Evo Grid technology to the session recordings for its Spitfire Symphonic Strings library. Hot on the heels of its muchadmired Albion orchestral collections comes Spitfire Audio's Sable String Vol. 1 a set of string sounds designed to aid the writing. Spitfire Spitfire Audio Symphonic Strings ZeroG ANIMATO String and. Spitfire Audio LLP BML Sable Strings FULL v. 1 KONTAKT After the delights of enormous string libraries, providing broad brush stroke approaches to writing, which have characterised recent film, gaming and TV music to some extent, Spitfire are at last proud to present a new set of brushes. The finest of sable brushes if you will. Spitfire Audio BML Mural Symphonic String Ensembles (KONTAKT) 94. 79 GB Spitfire Audio BML Mural Symphonic Strings Part II (KONTAKT) 48. 42 GB NI Kontakt Library compliant (Player included) NKS compatible, for use with NI Hardware; Extensive selection of microphone placements; Im an enormous fan of this library, in fact I would go as far as to say that it is my favourite Spitfires string libraries to date, with the possible exception of LCO Strings, which has a similar. A look at the new Spitfire Chamber Strings library. This is the reborn SABLE library, that was previously split into 5 volumes. You can now get ALL 5 volumes Spitfire dropping Kontakt for HZ Strings WILL take longer to load have you ever seen what is happening in those patches internally? They're really pushing Kontakt). Spitfire libraries always opened very fast for me, they aren't really graphically intensive (and not really using lots of fx or modulation anyways, so pretty lean and. An overview of some of the most popular orchestral string libraries available today, including Hollywood Strings, Mural, Sable, LASS and Cinematic Strings. Spitfire Audio Software: Kontakt Player and full version Cinematic Strings 2 is arguably the best string library Ive used for fast. Chamber Strings comes as a downloadable product and can be downloaded via Spitfire Audios own library manager after the purchase. Chamber Strings is a Kontakt instrument, meaning that installation and authorization take place via Native Instruments Service Center. Spitfire Evo Grid Strings 1 Kontakt P2P 2 MARCH 215 21. 6 GB An extraordinary collection of long evolving chamber strings orchestrated providing you with a totally unique palette of inspiration with an ingenious grid layout that allows all but an infinite number of evo configurations. The true golden goose here though is the gift to composers that is the ability to play ultra minimal. Download Spitfire Evo Grid 01 Strings KONTAKT for free, HD Full Movie Streaming Also Available in LimeTorrents. io Spitfire Solo Strings is a Kontakt Player Instrument compatible with both the full and free Kontakt Player or higher. Spitfire Solo Strings sells for 399 from Spitfire Audio Demos of. Spitfire Audio has announced availability of Alternative Solo Strings, a Kontakt Player instrument library that offers an alternative take on a sampled solo strings. The library puts performances of four of the most interesting and progressive string soloists in London into an easytouse tool to. We now present Spitfire Chamber Strings in a rationalised, and more instantly useable form. As mentioned before it is the Spitfire team's absolute favourite string range, admired for its beauty, its versatility but also its totally unique sonic character. Spitfire Audio have a solution: buy their Mural Symphonic Strings sample library and you can have 60 of the UKs finest string players sitting on your hard drive, ready to do your musical bidding 247 for the current price of a 32GB Apple iPad Air. Spitfire Audio Symphonic Strings V. KONTAKT If there was a single product that could sum up the foundation of Spitfires approach to sampling it would be this. Recorded at the studio that has played host to scores from blockbusters that have grossed billions of dollars, with the same players playing Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings KONTAKT. 3 GB Small can be more beautiful. 16 of the finest string players, playing the finest instruments.