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Scania Streamline is a truck manufactured by Scania and was added in the 1. DC13 112 440 Euro V (440hp) 16 920 12 DC13 115 410 Euro VI (410hp) 17 340 12 More Truck Simulator Wiki. 1 Euro Truck Simulator 2: Beyond the Baltic Sea. Another popular truck mod from ETS2, now ported to American Truck Simulator. Scania 4 is added at the Peterbilt dealer ETS2 Trailers Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods EKERI TRAILERS BY KAST V1. X ETS2 Trailers Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods EKERI TANDEM TRAILERS ADDON BY KAST V1. X You may also like UK Truck Simulator v. UK Truck Simulator is the title with us before sprinkling the opportunity of using large trucks. As in the case of game Euro Truck Simulator and germanium Truck Simulator game focuses on a specific area of actionthis time it is a territory of. In Euro Truck Simulator 2 its easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from copyunzip files into: My. 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